Getting started

Getting started#

Running simulations in OasisMove is performed using a solver based on an incremental pressure correction scheme, as presented in [SA94]. The algorithm is based on a fractional step method, and can be summarized in the following pseudocode:

while t < T:
    t += dt
    solve mesh equation
    update mesh coordinates
    for i in range(max_inner_iters):
        solve tentative velocity
        solve pressure
    update velocity

In OasisMove, the solver has been extended for transient flows in moving domains, and the main implemented is located in the Python file. Problems are solved by running the script, or by using the oasism executable. To run the default problem, you can run the following command:

$ oasismove NSfracStepMove 

To specify a specific problem, you can run the following command:

$ oasismove NSfracStepMove problem=DrivenCavity 


When loading a problem file, OasisMove will start by looking inside the problems/NSfracStep folder, and then look in the current working directory. If the problem you have specified after problem= is not located in either locations, an error will occur.


JC Simo and F Armero. Unconditional stability and long-term behavior of transient algorithms for the incompressible navier-stokes and euler equations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 111(1-2):111–154, 1994.