#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2023 Simula Research Laboratory
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
This script is a versatile Python script for parsing and visualizing
simulation log files. It extracts data from log files, offers flexible
plotting options, and helps users gain insights from simulation
vasp-log-plotter simulation.log --plot-all --save --output-directory Results --figure-size 12,8
import re
import json
import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
import pickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
def parse_log_file(log_file: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Parse a log file and store data in a structured dictionary with numpy arrays.
log_file (str): Path to the log file.
dict: A dictionary containing the parsed data.
logging.info(f"--- Parsing data from '{log_file}'")
# Initialize empty lists and dictionaries to store data
data: Dict[str, Any] = {
"time_step": [],
"time": [],
"cpu_time": [],
"ramp_factor": [],
"pressure": [],
"newton_iteration": {
"atol": [],
"rtol": [],
"probe_points": {},
"probe_points_displacement": {},
"flow_properties": {
"flow_rate": [],
"velocity_mean": [],
"velocity_min": [],
"velocity_max": [],
"cfl_mean": [],
"cfl_min": [],
"cfl_max": [],
"reynolds_mean": [],
"reynolds_min": [],
"reynolds_max": [],
"min_jacobian": []
# Define regular expressions for matching specific lines
time_step_pattern = re.compile(r"Solved for timestep (.*), t = (.*) in (.*) s")
ramp_factor_pattern = re.compile(r"ramp_factor = (.*) m\^3/s")
pressure_pattern = re.compile(r"Instantaneous normal stress prescribed at the FSI interface (.*) Pa")
newton_iteration_pattern = \
re.compile(r'Newton iteration (.*): r \(atol\) = (.*) \(tol = .*\), r \(rel\) = (.*) \(tol = .*\)')
probe_point_pattern = re.compile(r"Probe Point (.*): Velocity: \((.*), (.*), (.*)\) \| Pressure: (.*)")
probe_point_displacement_pattern = re.compile(r"Probe Point (.*): Displacement: \((.*), (.*), (.*)\)")
flow_rate_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*Flow Rate at Inlet: (.*)")
velocity_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*Velocity \(mean, min, max\): (.*), (.*), (.*)")
cfl_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*CFL \(mean, min, max\): (.*), (.*), (.*)")
reynolds_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*Reynolds Numbers \(mean, min, max\): (.*), (.*), (.*)")
min_jacobian_pattern = re.compile(r"Minimum jacobian: (.*)")
# Open and read the log file line by line
with open(log_file, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
match = time_step_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = ramp_factor_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = pressure_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = newton_iteration_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = probe_point_pattern.match(line)
if match:
probe_point = int(match.group(1))
if probe_point not in data["probe_points"]:
data["probe_points"][probe_point] = {
"velocity": [],
"magnitude": [],
"pressure": []
velocity_components = [float(match.group(2)), float(match.group(3)), float(match.group(4))]
velocity_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(velocity_components) ** 2))
match = probe_point_displacement_pattern.match(line)
if match:
probe_point = int(match.group(1))
if probe_point not in data["probe_points_displacement"]:
data["probe_points_displacement"][probe_point] = {
"displacement": [],
"displacement_magnitude": []
displacement_components = [float(match.group(2)), float(match.group(3)), float(match.group(4))]
displacement_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(displacement_components) ** 2))
match = flow_rate_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = velocity_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = cfl_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = reynolds_pattern.match(line)
if match:
match = min_jacobian_pattern.match(line)
if match:
# Convert lists to numpy arrays
data["time_step"] = np.array(data["time_step"])
data["time"] = np.array(data["time"])
data["cpu_time"] = np.array(data["cpu_time"])
data["ramp_factor"] = np.array(data["ramp_factor"])
data["pressure"] = np.array(data["pressure"])
data["newton_iteration"]["atol"] = np.array(data["newton_iteration"]["atol"])
data["newton_iteration"]["rtol"] = np.array(data["newton_iteration"]["rtol"])
data["min_jacobian"] = np.array(data["min_jacobian"])
for probe_point in data["probe_points"]:
data["probe_points"][probe_point]["velocity"] = np.array(data["probe_points"][probe_point]["velocity"])
data["probe_points"][probe_point]["magnitude"] = np.array(data["probe_points"][probe_point]["magnitude"])
data["probe_points"][probe_point]["pressure"] = np.array(data["probe_points"][probe_point]["pressure"])
for probe_point in data["probe_points_displacement"]:
data["probe_points_displacement"][probe_point]["displacement"] = \
data["probe_points_displacement"][probe_point]["displacement_magnitude"] = \
data["flow_properties"]["flow_rate"] = np.array(data['flow_properties']['flow_rate'])
data["flow_properties"]["velocity_mean"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["velocity_mean"])
data["flow_properties"]["velocity_min"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["velocity_min"])
data["flow_properties"]["velocity_max"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["velocity_max"])
data["flow_properties"]["cfl_mean"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["cfl_mean"])
data["flow_properties"]["cfl_min"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["cfl_min"])
data["flow_properties"]["cfl_max"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["cfl_max"])
data["flow_properties"]["reynolds_mean"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["reynolds_mean"])
data["flow_properties"]["reynolds_min"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["reynolds_min"])
data["flow_properties"]["reynolds_max"] = np.array(data["flow_properties"]["reynolds_max"])
return data
def parse_dictionary_from_log(log_file: str) -> dict:
Parse a dictionary-like content from a log file and return it as a dictionary.
log_file (str): Path to the log file.
dict: Parsed dictionary.
logging.info(f"--- Parsing dictionary from '{log_file}'")
parsed_dict = {}
entry_lines = []
in_entry = False
with open(log_file, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
# Check if the line starts a new dictionary entry
if line.startswith('{'):
in_entry = True
entry_lines = [line]
elif in_entry:
# Check if the line ends the current dictionary entry
if line.endswith('}'):
# Combine the lines and modify for JSON compatibility
entry_str = '\n'.join(entry_lines)
entry_str = (
entry_str.replace("'", '"')
.replace("None", "null")
.replace("True", "true")
.replace("False", "false")
# Handle PosixPath objects by converting them to strings
entry_str = re.sub(r'"(restart_folder)":\s+PosixPath\("([^"]+)"\)', r'"\1": "\2"', entry_str)
entry_dict = json.loads(entry_str)
if isinstance(entry_dict, dict):
break # Exit the loop since there is only one dictionary
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Entry is not a valid dictionary: {entry_str}")
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
logging.warning(f"WARNING: JSONDecodeError while parsing entry: {e}")
return parsed_dict
def plot_variable_vs_time(time: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray, variable_name: str, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6),
start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot a variable against time.
time (numpy.ndarray): Array containing time values.
variable (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the variable values.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable for labeling the plot.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figure to a file (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (10, 6).
start (int, optional): Index to start plotting data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end plotting data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for {variable_name}")
plt.plot(time[start:end], variable[start:end], label=variable_name, linestyle='-', color='b')
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.title(f"{variable_name} vs. Time")
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(variable_name, output_directory)
def plot_variable_comparison(variable: np.ndarray, variable_name: str, time_steps_per_cycle: int,
save_to_file: bool = False, output_directory: Optional[str] = None,
figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6),
start_cycle: Optional[int] = 1,
end_cycle: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot comparison of a variable across multiple cycles.
variable (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the variable values.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable for labeling the plot.
time_steps_per_cycle (int): The number of time steps in each cycle.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figure to a file (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (10, 6).
start_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to start comparing from. Default is 1 (start at first cycle).
end_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to end comparing at. Default is None (end at last cycle).
# Determine the total number of cycles
num_cycles = round(len(variable) / time_steps_per_cycle)
# If start_cycle is None, start at first cycle
first_cycle = 1 if start_cycle is None else int(start_cycle)
# If end_cycle is not provided, end at last cycle
last_cycle = num_cycles if end_cycle is None else int(end_cycle)
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for {variable_name} - " +
f"Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Split the data into separate cycles
split_variable_data = np.array_split(variable, num_cycles)
# Plot each cycle
for cycle in range(first_cycle - 1, last_cycle):
cycle_variable_data = split_variable_data[cycle]
plt.plot(cycle_variable_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
plt.title(f"{variable_name} - Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(variable_name + " Comparison", output_directory)
def plot_multiple_variables_vs_time(time: np.ndarray, variable_mean: np.ndarray, variable_min: np.ndarray,
variable_max: np.ndarray, variable_name: str, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6),
start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot mean, min, and max variables against time on the same figure.
time (numpy.ndarray): Array containing time values.
variable_mean (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the mean variable values.
variable_min (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the min variable values.
variable_max (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the max variable values.
variable_name (str): Names of the variables for labeling the plot (mean, min, max).
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figure to a file (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (10, 6).
start (int, optional): Index to start plotting data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end plotting data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for {variable_name}")
plt.plot(time[start:end], variable_mean[start:end], label=variable_name + " (mean)", linestyle='-', color='b')
plt.plot(time[start:end], variable_min[start:end], label=variable_name + " (min)", linestyle='-', color='g')
plt.plot(time[start:end], variable_max[start:end], label=variable_name + " (max)", linestyle='-', color='r')
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.title(f"{variable_name} vs. Time")
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(variable_name, output_directory)
def plot_multiple_variables_comparison(variable_mean: np.ndarray, variable_min: np.ndarray, variable_max: np.ndarray,
variable_name: str, time_steps_per_cycle: int, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6),
start_cycle: Optional[int] = 1,
end_cycle: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot mean, min, and max variables against time on the same figure.
variable_mean (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the mean variable values.
variable_min (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the min variable values.
variable_max (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the max variable values.
variable_name (str): Names of the variables for labeling the plot (mean, min, max).
time_steps_per_cycle (int): The number of time steps in each cycle.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figure to a file (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (10, 6).
start_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to start comparing from. Default is 1 (start from first cycle).
end_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to end comparing at. Default is None (end at last cycle).
# Determine the total number of cycles
num_cycles = round(len(variable_mean) / time_steps_per_cycle)
# If start_cycle is None, start at first cycle
first_cycle = 1 if start_cycle is None else int(start_cycle)
# If end_cycle is not provided, end at last cycle
last_cycle = num_cycles if end_cycle is None else int(end_cycle)
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for {variable_name} - " +
f"Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Split the data into separate cycles
split_variable_mean_data = np.array_split(variable_mean, num_cycles)
split_variable_min_data = np.array_split(variable_min, num_cycles)
split_variable_max_data = np.array_split(variable_max, num_cycles)
# Create subplots for mean, min, and max
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=figure_size, sharex=True)
assert isinstance(axes, np.ndarray) and axes.shape == (3,)
ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes
for cycle in range(first_cycle - 1, last_cycle):
cycle_variable_mean_data = split_variable_mean_data[cycle]
cycle_variable_min_data = split_variable_min_data[cycle]
cycle_variable_max_data = split_variable_max_data[cycle]
ax1.plot(cycle_variable_mean_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
ax2.plot(cycle_variable_min_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
ax3.plot(cycle_variable_max_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
# Set labels and titles
ax1.set_title(f"{variable_name} (mean)")
ax2.set_title(f"{variable_name} (min)")
ax3.set_title(f"{variable_name} (max)")
# Add legend to each subplot
ax1.legend(loc="upper right")
ax2.legend(loc="upper right")
ax3.legend(loc="upper right")
# Add common title
plt.suptitle(f"{variable_name} - Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Adjust spacing between subplots
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(variable_name + " Comparison", output_directory)
def plot_newton_iteration(variable: np.ndarray, variable_name: str, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 6), ) -> None:
Plot Newton iteration (atol or rtol).
variable (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the variable values.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable for labeling the plot.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figure to a file (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (10, 6).
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for {variable_name}")
plt.plot(variable, label=variable_name, linestyle='--', marker='o', color='b')
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(variable_name, output_directory)
def plot_probe_points(time: np.ndarray, probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]],
selected_probe_points: Optional[List[int]] = None, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6),
start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot velocity magnitude and pressure for probe points against time.
time (numpy.ndarray): Time array.
probe_points (dict): Probe point data containing velocity magnitude and pressure arrays.
selected_probe_points (list, optional): List of probe points to plot. Plot all probe points if not provided.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figures to files (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (12, 8).
start (int, optional): Index to start plotting data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end plotting data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
logging.info("--- Creating plot for velocity magnitude and pressure for probe points")
# If selected_probe_points is not provided, plot all probe points
if selected_probe_points is None:
selected_probe_points = list(probe_points.keys())
# Filter probe_points dictionary to select only the specified probe points
selected_probe_data = \
{probe_point: data for probe_point, data in probe_points.items() if probe_point in selected_probe_points}
num_selected_probe_points = len(selected_probe_data)
# Calculate the number of rows and columns for subplots
num_rows = int(np.ceil(num_selected_probe_points / 2))
num_cols = min(2, num_selected_probe_points)
for probe_point in selected_probe_points:
if probe_point not in probe_points:
# Log a warning for probe points not found in the dictionary
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Probe point {probe_point} not found. Skipping.")
# Create subplots based on the number of selected probe points
if num_rows == 1 and num_cols == 1:
# If only one probe point is selected, create a single figure
fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size)
axes = [fig.gca()] # Get the current axis as a list
fig, axes_array = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figure_size)
# Flatten the axes array for easier iteration
assert isinstance(axes_array, np.ndarray)
axes = [ax for ax in axes_array.flatten() if isinstance(ax, Axes)]
for i, (probe_point, data) in enumerate(selected_probe_data.items()):
ax = axes[i]
# Extract the data within the specified range (start:end)
magnitude_data = data["magnitude"][start:end]
pressure_data = data["pressure"][start:end]
l1, = ax.plot(time[start:end], magnitude_data, color='b')
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
ax.set_title(f"Probe point {probe_point}")
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=12, labelcolor='b')
# Create a twin Axes sharing the xaxis and cast it to Axes
ax2 = cast(plt.Axes, ax.twinx())
l2, = ax2.plot(time[start:end], pressure_data, color='r')
ax2.set_ylabel("Pressure [Pa]", color='r')
ax2.legend([l1, l2], ["Velocity Magnitude", "Pressure"], loc="upper right")
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelcolor='r')
# Remove any empty subplots if the number of probe points doesn't fill the entire grid
for i in range(num_selected_probe_points, num_rows * num_cols):
# Adjust spacing between subplots
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file("Probe Points", output_directory)
def plot_probe_points_displacement(time: np.ndarray, probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]],
selected_probe_points: Optional[List[int]] = None, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6),
start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot displacement magnitude for probe points against time.
time (numpy.ndarray): Time array.
probe_points (dict): Probe point data containing displacement magnitude arrays.
selected_probe_points (list, optional): List of probe points to plot. Plot all probe points if not provided.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figures to files (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (12, 8).
start (int, optional): Index to start plotting data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end plotting data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
logging.info("--- Creating plot for displacement magnitude for probe points")
# If selected_probe_points is not provided, plot all probe points
if selected_probe_points is None:
selected_probe_points = list(probe_points.keys())
# Filter probe_points dictionary to select only the specified probe points
selected_probe_data = \
{probe_point: data for probe_point, data in probe_points.items() if probe_point in selected_probe_points}
num_selected_probe_points = len(selected_probe_data)
# Calculate the number of rows and columns for subplots
num_rows = int(np.ceil(num_selected_probe_points / 2))
num_cols = min(2, num_selected_probe_points)
for probe_point in selected_probe_points:
if probe_point not in probe_points:
# Log a warning for probe points not found in the dictionary
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Probe point {probe_point} not found. Skipping.")
# Create subplots based on the number of selected probe points
if num_rows == 1 and num_cols == 1:
# If only one probe point is selected, create a single figure
fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size)
axes = [fig.gca()]
fig, axes_array = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figure_size)
# Flatten the axes array for easier iteration
assert isinstance(axes_array, np.ndarray)
axes = [ax for ax in axes_array.flatten() if isinstance(ax, Axes)]
for i, (probe_point, data) in enumerate(selected_probe_data.items()):
ax = axes[i]
# Extract the data within the specified range (start:end)
displacement_data = data["displacement_magnitude"][start:end]
ax.plot(time[start:end], displacement_data, color='b')
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax.set_ylabel("Displacement [m]")
ax.set_title(f"Probe point {probe_point}")
# Remove any empty subplots if the number of probe points doesn't fill the entire grid
for i in range(num_selected_probe_points, num_rows * num_cols):
# Adjust spacing between subplots
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file("Probe Points Displacement", output_directory)
def plot_probe_points_comparison(probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], time_steps_per_cycle: int,
selected_probe_points: Optional[List[int]] = None, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6),
start_cycle: Optional[int] = 0, end_cycle: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot comparison of velocity magnitude and pressure for probe points across multiple cycles.
probe_points (dict): Probe point data containing velocity magnitude and pressure arrays.
selected_probe_points (list, optional): List of probe points to plot. Plot all probe points if not provided.
time_steps_per_cycle (int): The number of time steps in each cycle.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figures to files (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (12, 8).
start_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to start comparing from. Default is 1 (start from first cycle).
end_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to end comparing at. Default is None (end at last cycle).
# If selected_probe_points is not provided, plot all probe points
if selected_probe_points is None:
selected_probe_points = list(probe_points.keys())
# Filter probe_points dictionary to select only the specified probe points
selected_probe_data = \
{probe_point: data for probe_point, data in probe_points.items() if probe_point in selected_probe_points}
for probe_point in selected_probe_points:
if probe_point not in probe_points:
# Log a warning for probe points not found in the dictionary
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Probe point {probe_point} not found. Skipping.")
# Determine the total number of cycles
num_cycles = round(len(probe_points[selected_probe_points[0]]["magnitude"]) / time_steps_per_cycle)
# If start_cycle is None, start at first cycle
first_cycle = 1 if start_cycle is None else int(start_cycle)
# If end_cycle is not provided, end at last cycle
last_cycle = num_cycles if end_cycle is None else int(end_cycle)
for i, (probe_point, data) in enumerate(selected_probe_data.items()):
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for probe point {probe_point} - " +
f"Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Create subplots for magnitude and pressure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figure_size)
assert isinstance(axes, np.ndarray) and axes.shape == (2,)
ax, ax2 = axes
# Split the data into separate cycles
split_magnitude_data = np.array_split(data["magnitude"], num_cycles)
split_pressure_data = np.array_split(data["pressure"], num_cycles)
# Plot each cycle
for cycle in range(first_cycle - 1, last_cycle):
cycle_magnitude_data = split_magnitude_data[cycle]
cycle_pressure_data = split_pressure_data[cycle]
ax.plot(cycle_magnitude_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
ax.set_title("Velocity Magnitude")
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
ax2.plot(cycle_pressure_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
ax2.set_ylabel("Pressure [Pa]")
ax2.legend(loc="upper right")
# Add common title
fig.suptitle(f"Probe point {probe_point} - " +
f"Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Adjust spacing between subplots
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(f"Probe Points Comparison {probe_point}", output_directory)
def save_probe_points_data_to_file(probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], output_directory: Optional[str],
time: np.ndarray, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Save probe points data to files.
probe_points (dict): Probe point data containing velocity magnitude and pressure arrays.
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the files will be saved when save_to_file is True.
time (numpy.ndarray): Time array.
start (int, optional): Index to start saving data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end saving data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
if output_directory:
output_path = Path(output_directory)
output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
output_path = Path.cwd()
# Save probe points data to files
for probe_point, data in probe_points.items():
# Create a dictionary to store the data
probe_point_data: Dict[str, Any] = {
"time": [],
"velocity_magnitude": [],
"pressure": []
# Extract the data within the specified range (start:end)
time_data = time[start:end]
magnitude_data = data["magnitude"][start:end]
pressure_data = data["pressure"][start:end]
# Store the data in the dictionary
probe_point_data["time"] = time_data
probe_point_data["velocity_magnitude"] = magnitude_data
probe_point_data["pressure"] = pressure_data
# Save the data to as a pickle file
filename = output_path / f"probe_point_{probe_point}.pkl"
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(probe_point_data, file)
logging.info(f"Probe point {probe_point} data saved to {filename}")
def save_probe_points_displacement_data_to_file(probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]],
output_directory: Optional[str], time: np.ndarray,
start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Save probe points displacement data to files.
probe_points (dict): Probe point data containing displacement magnitude arrays.
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the files will be saved when save_to_file is True.
time (numpy.ndarray): Time array.
start (int, optional): Index to start saving data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end saving data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
if output_directory:
output_path = Path(output_directory)
output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
output_path = Path.cwd()
# Save probe points displacement data to files
for probe_point, data in probe_points.items():
# Create a dictionary to store the data
probe_point_data: Dict[str, Any] = {
"time": [],
"displacement_magnitude": []
# Extract the data within the specified range (start:end)
time_data = time[start:end]
displacement_data = data["displacement_magnitude"][start:end]
# Store the data in the dictionary
probe_point_data["time"] = time_data
probe_point_data["displacement_magnitude"] = displacement_data
# Save the data as a pickle file
filename = output_path / f"probe_point_{probe_point}_displacement.pkl"
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(probe_point_data, file)
logging.info(f"Probe point {probe_point} displacement data saved to {filename}")
def plot_probe_points_displacement_comparison(probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], time_steps_per_cycle: int,
selected_probe_points: Optional[List[int]] = None,
save_to_file: bool = False, output_directory: Optional[str] = None,
figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6), start_cycle: Optional[int] = 0,
end_cycle: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
Plot comparison of displacement magnitude for probe points across multiple cycles.
probe_points (dict): Probe point data containing displacement magnitude arrays.
selected_probe_points (list, optional): List of probe points to plot. Plot all probe points if not provided.
time_steps_per_cycle (int): The number of time steps in each cycle.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figures to files (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (12, 8).
start_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to start comparing from. Default is 1 (start from first cycle).
end_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to end comparing at. Default is None (end at last cycle).
# If selected_probe_points is not provided, plot all probe points
if selected_probe_points is None:
selected_probe_points = list(probe_points.keys())
# Filter probe_points dictionary to select only the specified probe points
selected_probe_data = \
{probe_point: data for probe_point, data in probe_points.items() if probe_point in selected_probe_points}
for probe_point in selected_probe_points:
if probe_point not in probe_points:
# Log a warning for probe points not found in the dictionary
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Probe point {probe_point} not found. Skipping.")
# Determine the total number of cycles
num_cycles = round(len(probe_points[selected_probe_points[0]]["displacement_magnitude"]) / time_steps_per_cycle)
# If start_cycle is None, start at first cycle
first_cycle = 1 if start_cycle is None else int(start_cycle)
# If end_cycle is not provided, end at last cycle
last_cycle = num_cycles if end_cycle is None else int(end_cycle)
for i, (probe_point, data) in enumerate(selected_probe_data.items()):
logging.info(f"--- Creating plot for probe point {probe_point} - " +
f"Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Create subplots for magnitude and pressure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figure_size)
ax = axs
# Split the data into separate cycles
split_displacement_data = np.array_split(data["displacement_magnitude"], num_cycles)
# Plot each cycle
for cycle in range(first_cycle - 1, last_cycle):
cycle_displacement_data = split_displacement_data[cycle]
ax.plot(cycle_displacement_data, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
ax.set_ylabel("Displacement [m]")
ax.set_title("Displacement Magnitude")
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
# Add common title
fig.suptitle(f"Probe point {probe_point} - " +
f"Comparing from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle}")
# Adjust spacing between subplots
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(f"Probe Points Comparison Displacement {probe_point}", output_directory)
def save_plot_to_file(variable_name: str, output_directory: Optional[str]) -> None:
Save a plot to a file.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable for generating the filename.
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved.
if output_directory:
output_path = Path(output_directory)
output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create the directory if it doesn't exist
output_path = Path.cwd() # Use current working directory as the default
filename = output_path / f"{variable_name.lower().replace(' ', '_')}.png"
logging.info(f" Plot saved to {filename}")
def compute_average_over_cycles(data: np.ndarray, time_steps_per_cycle: int) -> np.ndarray:
Compute the average over cycles in a numpy array.
data (np.ndarray): The input data array.
time_steps_per_cycle (int): The number of time steps in each cycle.
np.ndarray: A numpy array containing the average data over cycles.
# Determine the total number of cycles
total_cycles = len(data) // time_steps_per_cycle
# Reshape the data into a 3D array
data_3d = data[:total_cycles * time_steps_per_cycle].reshape(total_cycles, time_steps_per_cycle, -1)
# Compute the average over cycles
average_over_cycles = np.mean(data_3d, axis=0)
# Remove singleton dimension if present
average_over_cycles = np.squeeze(average_over_cycles)
return average_over_cycles
def compute_tke(probe_points: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]], time_steps_per_cycle: int, start_cycle: Optional[int] = None,
end_cycle: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[int, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
Compute the mean velocity, fluctuating velocity, and turbulent kinetic energy for each point within the specified
cycle range in the probe points data using phase-averaging.
probe_points (dict): Probe points data as returned by parse_log_file.
time_steps_per_cycle (int): Number of time steps per cycle.
start_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to start computing from (inclusive). Default is the first cycle.
end_cycle (int, optional): The cycle to end computing at (inclusive). Default is the last cycle.
dict: A dictionary containing the mean velocity, fluctuating velocity, and TKE for each point within the
specified cycle range. Each entry is a tuple of (mean_velocity, fluctuating_velocity, tke_array).
velocity_data = {}
# Calculate the number of cycles
num_cycles = len(probe_points[0]["velocity"]) // time_steps_per_cycle
# If start_cycle is None, start at first cycle
first_cycle = 1 if start_cycle is None else int(start_cycle)
# If end_cycle is not provided, end at last cycle
last_cycle = num_cycles if end_cycle is None else int(end_cycle)
logging.info(f"--- Computing TKE for probe points from cycle {first_cycle} to cycle {last_cycle} (Phase-Averaged)")
for probe_point, data in probe_points.items():
# Extract velocity data for the current probe point
velocities = data["velocity"]
# Initialize arrays to store mean velocity, fluctuating velocity, and TKE for each point
mean_velocities = np.zeros((time_steps_per_cycle, 3))
fluctuating_velocities = np.zeros(velocities.shape)
for cycle in range(first_cycle, last_cycle + 1):
# Extract velocities for the current cycle
cycle_start = (cycle - 1) * time_steps_per_cycle
cycle_end = cycle * time_steps_per_cycle
cycle_velocities = velocities[cycle_start:cycle_end]
# Accumulate velocities for phase-averaging
mean_velocities += cycle_velocities
# Compute the mean velocity by dividing the accumulated velocity data by the number of cycles
mean_velocities /= max(1, last_cycle - first_cycle + 1)
# Compute fluctuating velocities for all cycles
for cycle in range(first_cycle, last_cycle + 1):
cycle_start = (cycle - 1) * time_steps_per_cycle
cycle_end = cycle * time_steps_per_cycle
fluctuating_velocities[cycle_start:cycle_end] = velocities[cycle_start:cycle_end] - mean_velocities
# Compute TKE based on phase-averaged mean velocity and fluctuating velocities
tke_values = 0.5 * np.sum(fluctuating_velocities**2, axis=1)
# Store the mean velocity, fluctuating velocity, and TKE for this probe point
velocity_data[probe_point] = (mean_velocities, fluctuating_velocities, tke_values)
return velocity_data
def plot_probe_points_tke(tke_data: Dict[int, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]],
selected_probe_points: Optional[List[int]] = None, save_to_file: bool = False,
output_directory: Optional[str] = None, figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6),
start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None):
Plot the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) for each probe point in separate subplots.
tke_data (dict): A dictionary containing TKE data for each probe point.
This should be in the format returned by compute_mean_fluctuating_and_tke_velocity.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figures to files (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (12, 8).
start (int, optional): Index to start plotting data from. Default is None (start from the beginning).
end (int, optional): Index to end plotting data at. Default is None (end at the last data point).
logging.info("--- Creating plot for TKE for probe points")
# If selected_probe_points is not provided, plot all probe points
if selected_probe_points is None:
selected_probe_points = list(tke_data.keys())
# Filter tke_data dictionary to select only the specified probe points
selected_tke_data = \
{probe_point: data for probe_point, data in tke_data.items() if probe_point in selected_probe_points}
num_selected_probe_points = len(selected_tke_data)
# Calculate the number of rows and columns for subplots
num_rows = int(np.ceil(num_selected_probe_points / 2))
num_cols = min(2, num_selected_probe_points)
for probe_point in selected_probe_points:
if probe_point not in tke_data:
# Log a warning for probe points not found in the dictionary
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Probe point {probe_point} not found. Skipping.")
# Create subplots for each probe point
if num_rows == 1 and num_cols == 1:
# If only one probe point is selected, create a single figure
fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size)
axes = [fig.gca()]
fig, axes_array = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figure_size)
# Flatten the axes array for easier iteration
assert isinstance(axes_array, np.ndarray)
axes = [ax for ax in axes_array.flatten() if isinstance(ax, Axes)]
# Add common title
fig.suptitle("Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) for Probe Points", fontsize=16)
for i, (probe_point, (_, _, tke_values)) in enumerate(selected_tke_data.items()):
ax = axes[i]
ax.plot(tke_values[start:end], label=f"Probe Point {probe_point}")
ax.set_title(f"Probe Point {probe_point}")
ax.set_xlabel("Time Step")
# Remove any empty subplots if the number of probe points doesn't fill the entire grid
for i in range(num_selected_probe_points, num_rows * num_cols):
# Adjust spacing between subplots
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file("Probe Points TKE", output_directory)
def plot_probe_points_tke_comparison(tke_data: Dict[int, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]],
time_steps_per_cycle: int, selected_probe_points: Optional[List[int]] = None,
save_to_file: bool = False, output_directory: Optional[str] = None,
figure_size: Tuple[int, int] = (12, 6)):
Plot the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) per cycle for selected probe points in separate figures.
tke_data (dict): A dictionary containing TKE data for each probe point.
This should be in the format returned by compute_tke.
time_steps_per_cycle (int): Number of time steps per cycle.
selected_probe_points (list, optional): List of probe points to plot.
If not provided, all probe points will be plotted.
save_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to save the figures to files (default is False).
output_directory (str, optional): The directory where the figure will be saved when save_to_file is True.
figure_size (tuple, optional): Figure size in inches (width, height). Default is (12, 8).
logging.info("--- Creating TKE per cycle plots for selected probe points")
if selected_probe_points is None:
selected_probe_points = list(tke_data.keys())
for probe_point in selected_probe_points:
if probe_point not in tke_data:
logging.warning(f"WARNING: Probe point {probe_point} not found in the TKE data. Skipping.")
_, _, tke_values = tke_data[probe_point]
num_cycles = len(tke_values) // time_steps_per_cycle
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figure_size)
for cycle in range(num_cycles):
cycle_tke_values = tke_values[cycle * time_steps_per_cycle:(cycle + 1) * time_steps_per_cycle]
ax.plot(cycle_tke_values, label=f"Cycle {cycle + 1}")
ax.set_title(f"Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) per Cycle - Probe Point {probe_point}")
ax.set_xlabel("Time Step")
if save_to_file:
save_plot_to_file(f"Probe Points TKE Comparison {probe_point}", output_directory)
def parse_command_line_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
Parse command-line arguments.
argparse.Namespace: Parsed command-line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("log_file", type=str, help="Path to the log file")
parser.add_argument("--plot-all", action="store_true",
help="Plot all data in separate figures (default when no specific --plot options are provided)")
parser.add_argument("--plot-cpu-time", action="store_true", help="Plot CPU time")
parser.add_argument("--plot-ramp-factor", action="store_true", help="Plot ramp factor")
parser.add_argument("--plot-pressure", action="store_true", help="Plot pressure")
parser.add_argument("--plot-newton-iteration-atol", action="store_true", help="Plot Newton iteration (atol)")
parser.add_argument("--plot-newton-iteration-rtol", action="store_true", help="Plot Newton iteration (rtol)")
parser.add_argument("--plot-probe-points", action="store_true", help="Plot probe points")
parser.add_argument("--plot-probe-points-displacement", action="store_true", help="Plot probe points displacement")
parser.add_argument("--plot-probe-points-tke", action="store_true", help="Plot TKE for probe points")
parser.add_argument("--plot-flow-rate", action="store_true", help="Plot flow rate")
parser.add_argument("--plot-velocity", action="store_true", help="Plot velocity (mean, min and max)")
parser.add_argument("--plot-cfl", action="store_true", help="Plot CFL numbers (mean, min and max)")
parser.add_argument("--plot-reynolds", action="store_true", help="Plot Reynolds numbers (mean, min and max)")
parser.add_argument("--plot-min-jacobian", action="store_true", help="Plot minimum Jacobian")
parser.add_argument("--probe-points", type=int, nargs="+", help="List of probe points to plot")
parser.add_argument("--start-cycle", type=int, default=1,
help="Cycle to start plotting data from (default: 1, start at first cycle)")
parser.add_argument("--end-cycle", type=int, default=None,
help="Cycle to end plotting data at (default: end at last cycle)")
parser.add_argument("--compute-average", action="store_true",
help="Compute average over cycles. This option has no effect for " +
"--plot-newton-iteration-atol and --plot-newton-iteration-rtol.")
parser.add_argument("--compare-cycles", action="store_true",
help="Compare data across multiple cycles. This option has no effect for " +
"--plot-newton-iteration-atol and --plot-newton-iteration-rtol.")
parser.add_argument("--figure-size", type=lambda x: tuple(map(int, x.split(','))), default=(10, 6),
help="Figure size in inches (width, height), e.g., '12,8' (default: 10,6)")
parser.add_argument("--save", action="store_true", help="Save the figures to files")
parser.add_argument("--save-probes", action="store_true", help="Save probe points data to files")
parser.add_argument("--output-directory", type=str, default="Data",
help="Directory where plot images will be saved (default: 'Data')")
parser.add_argument("--log-level", type=int, default=20,
help="Specify the log level (default is 20, which is INFO)")
return parser.parse_args()
def main() -> None:
args = parse_command_line_args()
# Enable --plot-all by default if no specific --plot options are provided
plot_types = ['cpu_time', 'ramp_factor', 'pressure', 'newton_iteration_atol', 'newton_iteration_rtol',
'probe_points', 'probe_points_displacement', 'flow_rate', 'velocity', 'cfl', 'reynolds',
'probe_points_tke', 'min_jacobian']
args.plot_all = args.plot_all or all(not getattr(args, f'plot_{plot_type}') for plot_type in plot_types)
# Create logger and set log level
logging.basicConfig(level=args.log_level, format="%(message)s")
# Log a warning if --compute-average and --compare-cycles are used together
if args.compute_average and args.compare_cycles:
logging.warning("WARNING: Select either --compute-average or --compare-cycles, not both.")
args.compare_cycles = False
# Parse log data
parsed_dict = parse_dictionary_from_log(args.log_file)
parsed_data = parse_log_file(args.log_file)
# Extract end time, cycle length and time step size from the parsed dictionary
end_time = parsed_dict.get("T", 0.951)
cycle_length = parsed_dict.get("cardiac_cycle", 0.951)
dt = parsed_dict.get("dt", 0.001)
# Calculate the number of cycles and the number of time steps per cycle
num_cycles = int(end_time / cycle_length)
time_steps_per_cycle = round(cycle_length / dt)
# Determine start and end range for data
start_cycle = args.start_cycle
end_cycle = max(args.end_cycle if args.end_cycle else num_cycles, 1)
start = (start_cycle - 1) * time_steps_per_cycle
end = min(end_cycle * time_steps_per_cycle, len(parsed_data.get("time", [])))
# Extract variables from the parsed data
time = parsed_data.get("time", [])
cpu_time = parsed_data.get("cpu_time", [])
ramp_factor = parsed_data.get("ramp_factor", [])
pressure = parsed_data.get("pressure", [])
newton_iteration_atol = parsed_data.get("newton_iteration", {}).get("atol", [])
newton_iteration_rtol = parsed_data.get("newton_iteration", {}).get("rtol", [])
probe_points = parsed_data.get("probe_points", {})
probe_points_displacement = parsed_data.get("probe_points_displacement", {})
flow_rate = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("flow_rate", [])
velocity_mean = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("velocity_mean", [])
velocity_min = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("velocity_min", [])
velocity_max = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("velocity_max", [])
cfl_mean = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("cfl_mean", [])
cfl_min = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("cfl_min", [])
cfl_max = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("cfl_max", [])
reynolds_mean = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("reynolds_mean", [])
reynolds_min = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("reynolds_min", [])
reynolds_max = parsed_data.get("flow_properties", {}).get("reynolds_max", [])
min_jacobian = parsed_data.get("min_jacobian", [])
# Compute average over cycles for all data (except Newton iteration) if enabled
if args.compute_average:
logging.info(f"--- Computing average over cycles (cycle {start_cycle}-{end_cycle})")
cpu_time = compute_average_over_cycles(cpu_time[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(cpu_time) > 0 else cpu_time
ramp_factor = compute_average_over_cycles(ramp_factor[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(ramp_factor) > 0 else ramp_factor
pressure = compute_average_over_cycles(pressure[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(pressure) > 0 else pressure
flow_rate = compute_average_over_cycles(flow_rate[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(flow_rate) > 0 else flow_rate
velocity_mean = compute_average_over_cycles(velocity_mean[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(velocity_mean) > 0 else velocity_mean
velocity_min = compute_average_over_cycles(velocity_min[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(velocity_min) > 0 else velocity_min
velocity_max = compute_average_over_cycles(velocity_max[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(velocity_max) > 0 else velocity_max
cfl_mean = compute_average_over_cycles(cfl_mean[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(cfl_mean) > 0 else cfl_mean
cfl_min = compute_average_over_cycles(cfl_min[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(cfl_min) > 0 else cfl_min
cfl_max = compute_average_over_cycles(cfl_max[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(cfl_max) > 0 else cfl_max
reynolds_mean = compute_average_over_cycles(reynolds_mean[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(reynolds_mean) > 0 else reynolds_mean
reynolds_min = compute_average_over_cycles(reynolds_min[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(reynolds_min) > 0 else reynolds_min
reynolds_max = compute_average_over_cycles(reynolds_max[start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(reynolds_max) > 0 else reynolds_max
for probe_point, probe_data in probe_points.items():
probe_points[probe_point]["magnitude"] = \
compute_average_over_cycles(probe_data["magnitude"][start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(probe_data["magnitude"]) > 0 else probe_data["magnitude"]
probe_points[probe_point]["pressure"] = \
compute_average_over_cycles(probe_data["pressure"][start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(probe_data["pressure"]) > 0 else probe_data["pressure"]
for probe_point, probe_data in probe_points_displacement.items():
probe_points_displacement[probe_point]["displacement_magnitude"] = \
compute_average_over_cycles(probe_data["displacement_magnitude"][start:end], time_steps_per_cycle) \
if len(probe_data["displacement_magnitude"]) > 0 else probe_data["displacement_magnitude"]
time = time[start:start + len(cpu_time)]
# Update start and end range for data
start = 0
end = len(cpu_time)
def check_and_warn_empty(variable_name, variable_data, condition):
"""Check if a variable's data is empty, print a warning, and set the condition to False if it's empty."""
if len(variable_data) == 0:
logging.warning(f"WARNING: No information about '{variable_name}' found in the log file. Skipping.")
condition = False # Set the condition to False if the array is empty
return condition
if check_and_warn_empty("CPU Time", cpu_time, args.plot_all or args.plot_cpu_time):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot CPU time comparison across multiple cycles
plot_variable_comparison(cpu_time, "CPU Time", time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot CPU time vs. time
plot_variable_vs_time(time, cpu_time, "CPU Time", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Ramp Factor", ramp_factor, args.plot_all or args.plot_ramp_factor):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot ramp factor comparison across multiple cycles
plot_variable_comparison(ramp_factor, "Ramp Factor", time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot ramp factor vs. time
plot_variable_vs_time(time, ramp_factor, "Ramp Factor", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Pressure", pressure, args.plot_all or args.plot_pressure):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot pressure comparison across multiple cycles
plot_variable_comparison(pressure, "Pressure", time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot pressure vs. time
plot_variable_vs_time(time, pressure, "Pressure", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Newton iteration (atol)", newton_iteration_atol,
args.plot_all or args.plot_newton_iteration_atol):
# Call the plot function to plot Newton iteration (atol)
plot_newton_iteration(newton_iteration_atol, "Newton iteration (atol)", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size)
if check_and_warn_empty("Newton iteration (atol)", newton_iteration_rtol,
args.plot_all or args.plot_newton_iteration_rtol):
# Call the plot function to plot Newton iteration (rtol)
plot_newton_iteration(newton_iteration_rtol, "Newton iteration (rtol)", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size)
if check_and_warn_empty("Flow Rate", flow_rate, args.plot_all or args.plot_flow_rate):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot flow rate comparison across multiple cycles
plot_variable_comparison(flow_rate, "Flow Rate", time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot flow rate vs. time
plot_variable_vs_time(time, flow_rate, "Flow Rate", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Velocity", velocity_mean, args.plot_all or args.plot_velocity):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot velocity comparison across multiple cycles
plot_multiple_variables_comparison(velocity_mean, velocity_min, velocity_max, "Velocity",
time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot velocity vs. time
plot_multiple_variables_vs_time(time, velocity_mean, velocity_min, velocity_max, "Velocity",
save_to_file=args.save, output_directory=args.output_directory,
figure_size=args.figure_size, start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("CFL", cfl_mean, args.plot_all or args.plot_cfl):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot velocity comparison across multiple cycles
plot_multiple_variables_comparison(cfl_mean, cfl_min, cfl_max, "CFL",
time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot CFL vs. time
plot_multiple_variables_vs_time(time, cfl_mean, cfl_min, cfl_max, "CFL", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Reynolds Numbers", reynolds_mean, args.plot_all or args.plot_reynolds):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot velocity comparison across multiple cycles
plot_multiple_variables_comparison(reynolds_mean, reynolds_min, reynolds_max, "Reynolds Numbers",
time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot Reynolds numbers vs. time
plot_multiple_variables_vs_time(time, reynolds_mean, reynolds_min, reynolds_max, "Reynolds Numbers",
save_to_file=args.save, output_directory=args.output_directory,
figure_size=args.figure_size, start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Probe Points", probe_points, args.plot_all or args.plot_probe_points):
if args.save_probes:
# Save probe points data to files
save_probe_points_data_to_file(probe_points, args.output_directory, time, start=start, end=end)
# Stop here if --save-probes is used
elif args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot probe points comparison across multiple cycles
plot_probe_points_comparison(probe_points, time_steps_per_cycle, selected_probe_points=args.probe_points,
save_to_file=args.save, figure_size=args.figure_size,
output_directory=args.output_directory, start_cycle=start_cycle,
# Call the plot function to plot probe points
plot_probe_points(time, probe_points, selected_probe_points=args.probe_points, save_to_file=args.save,
figure_size=args.figure_size, output_directory=args.output_directory, start=start,
if check_and_warn_empty("Probe Points Displacement", probe_points_displacement,
args.plot_all or args.plot_probe_points_displacement):
if args.save_probes:
# Save probe points displacement data to files
save_probe_points_displacement_data_to_file(probe_points_displacement, args.output_directory, time,
start=start, end=end)
# Stop here if --save-probes is used
elif args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot probe points comparison across multiple cycles
plot_probe_points_displacement_comparison(probe_points_displacement, time_steps_per_cycle,
selected_probe_points=args.probe_points, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, start_cycle=start_cycle,
# Call the plot function to plot probe points
plot_probe_points_displacement(time, probe_points_displacement, selected_probe_points=args.probe_points,
save_to_file=args.save, figure_size=args.figure_size,
output_directory=args.output_directory, start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Probe Points", probe_points, args.plot_all or args.plot_probe_points_tke):
# Compute TKE data for probe points
tke_data = compute_tke(probe_points, time_steps_per_cycle, start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
if args.compute_average:
for i, (probe_point, (mean_velocities, fluctuating_velocities, tke_values)) in enumerate(tke_data.items()):
tke_data[probe_point] = \
(mean_velocities, fluctuating_velocities,
compute_average_over_cycles(tke_values, time_steps_per_cycle)) \
if len(tke_values) > 0 else (mean_velocities, fluctuating_velocities, tke_values)
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot probe points comparison across multiple cycles
plot_probe_points_tke_comparison(tke_data, time_steps_per_cycle, selected_probe_points=args.probe_points,
save_to_file=args.save, figure_size=args.figure_size,
# Call the plot function to plot probe points
plot_probe_points_tke(tke_data, selected_probe_points=args.probe_points, save_to_file=args.save,
figure_size=args.figure_size, output_directory=args.output_directory,
start=start, end=end)
if check_and_warn_empty("Minimum Jacobian", min_jacobian, args.plot_all or args.plot_min_jacobian):
if args.compare_cycles:
# Call the plot function to plot minimum Jacobian comparison across multiple cycles
plot_variable_comparison(min_jacobian, "Minimum Jacobian", time_steps_per_cycle, save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start_cycle=start_cycle, end_cycle=end_cycle)
# Call the plot function to plot minimum Jacobian vs. time
plot_variable_vs_time(time, min_jacobian, "Minimum Jacobian", save_to_file=args.save,
output_directory=args.output_directory, figure_size=args.figure_size,
start=start, end=end)
if not args.save:
logging.info("--- Showing plot(s)")
if __name__ == "__main__":