Source code for vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_fenics.create_hdf5

# Copyright (c) 2023 David Bruneau
# Modified by Kei Yamamoto 2023
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

This script reads the displacement and velocity data from turtleFSI output and reformats the data so that it can be read
in fenics. The output files are saved in the Visualization_separate_domain folder.

import numpy as np
import h5py
from pathlib import Path
import json
import logging
from tqdm import tqdm

from vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_common import get_domain_ids, output_file_lists
from vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_fenics.postprocessing_fenics_common import parse_arguments
from dolfin import Mesh, HDF5File, VectorFunctionSpace, Function, MPI, parameters

# set compiler arguments
parameters["reorder_dofs_serial"] = False

[docs] def create_hdf5(visualization_path, mesh_path, save_time_step, stride, start_time, end_time, extract_solid_only, fluid_domain_id, solid_domain_id): """ Loads displacement/velocity data from turtleFSI output and reformats the data so that it can be read in fenics. Args: visualization_path (Path): Path to the folder containing the visualization files (displacement/velocity.h5) mesh_path (Path): Path to the mesh file (mesh.h5 or mesh_refined.h5 depending on save_deg) stride: stride of the time steps to be saved start_t (float): desired start time for the output file end_t (float): desired end time for the output file extract_solid_only (bool): If True, only the solid domain is extracted for displacement. If False, both the fluid and solid domains are extracted. fluid_domain_id (int or list): ID of the fluid domain solid_domain_id (int or list): ID of the solid domain """ # Define mesh path related variables fluid_domain_path = mesh_path.with_name(mesh_path.stem + "_fluid.h5") if extract_solid_only: solid_domain_path = mesh_path.with_name(mesh_path.stem + "_solid.h5") else: solid_domain_path = mesh_path # Check if the input mesh exists if not fluid_domain_path.exists() or not solid_domain_path.exists(): raise ValueError("Mesh file not found.") # Read fluid and solid mesh"--- Reading fluid and solid mesh files \n") mesh_fluid = Mesh(MPI.comm_self) with HDF5File(MPI.comm_self, str(fluid_domain_path), "r") as mesh_file:, "mesh", False) mesh_solid = Mesh(MPI.comm_self) with HDF5File(MPI.comm_self, str(solid_domain_path), "r") as mesh_file:, "mesh", False) # Define function spaces and functions"--- Defining function spaces and functions \n") Vf = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_fluid, "CG", 1) Vs = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_solid, "CG", 1) u = Function(Vf) d = Function(Vs) # Define paths for velocity and displacement files xdmf_file_v = visualization_path / "velocity.xdmf" xdmf_file_d = visualization_path / "displacement.xdmf" # Get information about h5 files associated with xdmf files and also information about the timesteps"--- Getting information about h5 files \n") h5file_name_list, timevalue_list, index_list = output_file_lists(xdmf_file_v) h5file_name_list_d, _, index_list_d = output_file_lists(xdmf_file_d) fluid_ids, solid_ids, all_ids = get_domain_ids(mesh_path, fluid_domain_id, solid_domain_id) # Remove this if statement since it can be done when we are using d_ids if extract_solid_only:"--- Displacement will be extracted for the solid domain only \n") d_ids = solid_ids else:"--- Displacement will be extracted for both the fluid and solid domains \n") d_ids = all_ids # Open up the first velocity.h5 file to get the number of timesteps and nodes for the output data file = visualization_path / h5file_name_list[0] vector_data = h5py.File(str(file)) vector_array_all = vector_data['VisualisationVector/0'][:, :] vector_array = vector_array_all[fluid_ids, :] # Open up the first displacement.h5 file to get the number of timesteps and nodes for the output data file_d = visualization_path / h5file_name_list_d[0] vector_data_d = h5py.File(str(file_d)) vector_array_all_d = vector_data_d['VisualisationVector/0'][:, :] vector_array_d = vector_array_all_d[d_ids, :] # Deinfe path to the output files visualization_separate_domain_folder = visualization_path.parent / "Visualization_separate_domain" u_output_path = visualization_separate_domain_folder / "u.h5" d_output_path = visualization_separate_domain_folder / "d_solid.h5" if extract_solid_only \ else visualization_separate_domain_folder / "d.h5" # save fluid mesh as mesh.h5 for computing flow metrics indices later with VaMPy mesh_save_path = visualization_separate_domain_folder / "mesh.h5" with HDF5File(MPI.comm_self, str(mesh_save_path), "w") as mesh_file: mesh_file.write(mesh_fluid, "mesh") # Initialize h5 file names that might differ during the loop h5_file_prev = None h5_file_prev_d = None # Define start and end time and indices for the loop start_time = start_time if start_time is not None else timevalue_list[0] if end_time is not None: assert end_time > start_time, "end_time must be greater than start_time" assert end_time <= timevalue_list[-1], "end_time must be less than the last time step" end_time = end_time if end_time is not None else timevalue_list[-1] start_time_index = int(start_time / save_time_step) - 1 end_time_index = int(end_time / save_time_step) # Initialize tqdm with the total number of iterations progress_bar = tqdm(total=end_time_index - start_time_index, desc="--- Converting data:", unit="step") for file_counter in range(start_time_index, end_time_index, stride): time = timevalue_list[file_counter] if file_counter > start_time_index: if np.abs(time - timevalue_list[file_counter - 1] - save_time_step) > 1e-8: logging.warning("WARNING : Uenven temporal spacing detected") # Open input velocity h5 file h5_file = visualization_path / h5file_name_list[file_counter] if h5_file != h5_file_prev: vector_data.close() vector_data = h5py.File(str(h5_file)) h5_file_prev = h5_file # Open input displacement h5 file h5_file_d = visualization_path / h5file_name_list_d[file_counter] if h5_file_d != h5_file_prev_d: vector_data_d.close() vector_data_d = h5py.File(str(h5_file_d)) h5_file_prev_d = h5_file_d # Open up Vector Arrays from h5 file array_name = 'VisualisationVector/' + str((index_list[file_counter])) vector_array_all = vector_data[array_name][:, :] array_name_d = 'VisualisationVector/' + str((index_list_d[file_counter])) vector_array_all_d = vector_data_d[array_name_d][:, :] vector_array = vector_array_all[fluid_ids, :] vector_array_d = vector_array_all_d[d_ids, :] # Flatten the vector array and insert into the function vector_np_flat = vector_array.flatten('F') u.vector().set_local(vector_np_flat) # Flatten the vector array and insert into the function vector_np_flat_d = vector_array_d.flatten('F') d.vector().set_local(vector_np_flat_d) file_mode = "a" if file_counter > start_time_index else "w" # Save velocity viz_u_file = HDF5File(MPI.comm_self, str(u_output_path), file_mode=file_mode) viz_u_file.write(u, "/velocity", time) viz_u_file.close() # Save displacment viz_d_file = HDF5File(MPI.comm_self, str(d_output_path), file_mode=file_mode) viz_d_file.write(d, "/displacement", time) viz_d_file.close() # Update the information in the progress bar progress_bar.set_postfix({"Timestep": index_list[file_counter], "Time": timevalue_list[file_counter], "File": h5file_name_list[file_counter]}) progress_bar.update() progress_bar.close()"--- Finished reading solutions")"--- Saved u.h5 and d.h5 in {visualization_separate_domain_folder.absolute()}")
[docs] def main() -> None: assert MPI.size(MPI.comm_world) == 1, "This script only runs in serial." args = parse_arguments() logging.basicConfig(level=args.log_level, format="%(message)s") # Define paths for visulization and mesh files folder_path = Path(args.folder) visualization_path = folder_path / "Visualization" # Read parameters from default_variables.json parameter_path = folder_path / "Checkpoint" / "default_variables.json" with open(parameter_path, "r") as f: parameters = json.load(f) save_deg = parameters["save_deg"] dt = parameters["dt"] save_step = parameters["save_step"] save_time_step = dt * save_step"save_time_step: {save_time_step} \n") fluid_domain_id = parameters["dx_f_id"] solid_domain_id = parameters["dx_s_id"]"--- Fluid domain ID: {fluid_domain_id} and Solid domain ID: {solid_domain_id} \n") if args.mesh_path: mesh_path = Path(args.mesh_path)"--- Using user-defined mesh \n") assert mesh_path.exists(), f"Mesh file {mesh_path} not found." elif save_deg == 2: mesh_path = folder_path / "Mesh" / "mesh_refined.h5""--- Using refined mesh \n") assert mesh_path.exists(), f"Mesh file {mesh_path} not found." else: mesh_path = folder_path / "Mesh" / "mesh.h5""--- Using non-refined mesh \n") assert mesh_path.exists(), f"Mesh file {mesh_path} not found." if args.extract_entire_domain: extract_solid_only = False else: extract_solid_only = True create_hdf5(visualization_path, mesh_path, save_time_step, args.stride, args.start_time, args.end_time, extract_solid_only, fluid_domain_id, solid_domain_id)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()