Source code for vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_h5py.create_spectrum

# Copyright (c) 2023 David Bruneau
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

This script creates a power spectrum plot.

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_h5py import spectrograms as spec
from vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_common import read_parameters_from_file

[docs] def create_spectrum(case_name: str, quantity: str, df, start_t: float, end_t: float, num_windows_per_sec: float, overlap_frac: float, window: str, lowcut: float, min_color: float, max_color: float, image_folder: Union[str, Path], flow_rate_file: Optional[str] = None, amplitude_file: Optional[str] = None, power_scaled: bool = False) -> None: """ Create a power spectrum plot and save the results as an image and CSV file. Args: case_name (str): Name of the case. quantity (str): Type of data to be processed. df: Input DataFrame containing relevant data. start_t (float): Desired start time of the output files. end_t (float): Desired end time of the output files. num_windows_per_sec (float): Number of windows per second. overlap_frac (float): Fraction of overlap between consecutive windows. window (str): Type of window function to use. lowcut (float): Cutoff frequency for the high-pass filter. min_color (float): Minimum value for the color range. max_color (float): Maximum value for the color range. image_folder (str or Path): Folder to save the spectrum image and CSV file. flow_rate_file (str): File name for flow rate data. amplitude_file (str): File name for amplitude data. power_scaled (bool): Whether to use power scaling in the PSD calculation. Returns: None: Saves the spectrum plot as an image and CSV file. """ # Get sampling constants"--- Getting sampling constants...") T, _, fs = spec.get_sampling_constants(df, start_t, end_t) # PSD calculation Pxx_array, freq_array = spec.get_psd(df, fs, scaling="spectrum") # Plot PSD"\n--- Plotting PSD...") plt.plot(freq_array, np.log(Pxx_array)) plt.xlabel('Freq. (Hz)') plt.ylabel('input units^2/Hz')"--- Saving PSD plot and CSV data...") plot_name = f"{quantity}_psd_no_filter_{case_name}" path_to_fig = Path(image_folder) / f"{plot_name}.png" path_csv = Path(image_folder) / f"{plot_name}.csv" # Save the figure plt.savefig(path_to_fig) # Save CSV data data_csv = np.stack((freq_array, np.log(Pxx_array)), axis=1) np.savetxt(path_csv, data_csv, header="Freqs(Hz),spectrum", delimiter=",")"--- PSD plot saved at: {path_to_fig}")"--- CSV data saved at: {path_csv}")
[docs] def main(): # Load in case-specific parameters args = spec.read_command_line_spec() # Create logger and set log level logging.basicConfig(level=args.log_level, format="%(message)s") # Load parameters from default_parameters.json parameters = read_parameters_from_file(args.folder) # Extract parameters fsi_region = parameters["fsi_region"] if args.fsi_region is None else args.fsi_region fluid_domain_id = parameters["dx_f_id"] solid_domain_id = parameters["dx_s_id"] end_time = args.end_time if args.end_time is not None else parameters["T"] save_deg = args.save_deg if args.save_deg is not None else (1 if args.quantity == 'p' else parameters["save_deg"]) # Create or read in spectrogram dataframe quantity, df, case_name, image_folder, visualization_hi_pass_folder = \ spec.read_spectrogram_data(args.folder, args.mesh_path, save_deg, args.stride, args.start_time, end_time, args.n_samples, args.sampling_region, args.fluid_sampling_domain_id, args.solid_sampling_domain_id, fsi_region, args.quantity, args.interface_only, args.component, args.point_id, fluid_domain_id, solid_domain_id, sampling_method=args.sampling_method) # Should these files be used? # amplitude_file = Path(visualization_hi_pass_folder) / args.amplitude_file_name # flow_rate_file = Path(args.folder) / args.flow_rate_file_name # Create spectrograms create_spectrum(case_name, quantity, df, args.start_time, end_time, args.num_windows_per_sec, args.overlap_frac, args.window, args.lowcut, args.min_color, args.max_color, image_folder, flow_rate_file=None, amplitude_file=None, power_scaled=False) if args.sampling_method == "SinglePoint": spec.sonify_point(case_name, quantity, df, args.start_time, args.end_time, args.overlap_frac, args.lowcut, image_folder)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()