Source code for vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_h5py.postprocessing_h5py_common

# Copyright (c) 2023 David Bruneau
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Contributions:
#   2023 Daniel Macdonald

This file contains helper functions for creating visualizations outside of FEniCS.

import os
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Union, List, Optional
import pickle

import h5py
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from vasp.postprocessing.postprocessing_common import get_domain_ids, output_file_lists, \

[docs] def get_coords(mesh_path: Union[str, Path]) -> np.ndarray: """ Get coordinates from a mesh file. Args: mesh_path (str or Path): Path to the mesh file. Returns: np.ndarray: Array containing the coordinates. """ with h5py.File(mesh_path, "r") as mesh: coords = mesh['mesh/coordinates'][:, :] return coords
[docs] def get_surface_topology_coords(out_file: Union[str, Path]) -> tuple: """ Get surface topology and coordinates from an output file. Args: out_file (str or Path): Path to the output file. Returns: tuple: Tuple containing the surface topology and coordinates. """ with h5py.File(out_file, "r") as mesh: topology = mesh["Mesh/0/mesh/topology"][:, :] coords = mesh["Mesh/0/mesh/geometry"][:, :] return topology, coords
[docs] def get_domain_ids_specified_region(mesh_path: Union[str, Path], fluid_sampling_domain_id: int, solid_sampling_domain_id: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Obtain node IDs for the fluid, solid, and all elements within specified regions of the input mesh. Args: mesh_path (str or Path): The file path of the input mesh. fluid_sampling_domain_id (int): Domain ID for the fluid region to be sampled. solid_sampling_domain_id (int): Domain ID for the solid region to be sampled. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Node IDs for fluid, solid, and all elements. """ with h5py.File(mesh_path, "r") as vector_data: domains_loc = 'domains/values' domains = vector_data[domains_loc][:] # Open domain array id_solid = np.nonzero(domains == solid_sampling_domain_id) # domain = 2 is the solid id_fluid = np.nonzero(domains == fluid_sampling_domain_id) # domain = 1 is the fluid topology_loc = 'domains/topology' all_topology = vector_data[topology_loc][:, :] solid_topology = all_topology[id_solid, :] fluid_topology = all_topology[id_fluid, :] solid_ids = np.unique(solid_topology) # Unique node ID's in the solid topology, sorted in ascending order fluid_ids = np.unique(fluid_topology) # Unique node ID's in the fluid topology, sorted in ascending order all_ids = np.unique(all_topology) return fluid_ids, solid_ids, all_ids
[docs] def get_interface_ids(mesh_path: Union[str, Path], fluid_domain_id: Union[int, list[int]], solid_domain_id: Union[int, list[int]]) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the interface node ID's between fluid and solid domains from the given mesh file. Args: mesh_path (str or Path): Path to the mesh file. fluid_domain_id (int or list): ID of the fluid domain solid_domain_id (int or list): ID of the solid domain Returns: np.ndarray: Array containing the interface node IDs. """ fluid_ids, solid_ids, _ = get_domain_ids(Path(mesh_path), fluid_domain_id, solid_domain_id) # Find the intersection of fluid and solid node ID's interface_ids_set = set(fluid_ids) & set(solid_ids) # Convert the set to a NumPy array interface_ids = np.array(list(interface_ids_set)) return interface_ids
[docs] def get_sampling_constants(df: pd.DataFrame, start_t: float, end_t: float) -> Tuple[float, int, float]: """ Calculate sampling constants from a DataFrame. Args: df (DataFrame): The input DataFrame. start_t (float): The start time of the data. end_t (float): The end time of the data. Returns: Tuple[float, int, float]: A tuple containing the period (T), number of samples per cycle (nsamples), and sample rate (fs). Author: Daniel Macdonald """ T = end_t - start_t nsamples = df.shape[1] fs = nsamples / T return T, nsamples, fs
[docs] def read_npz_files(filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read data from an npz file and return it as a DataFrame. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to the npz file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the data. """'--- Reading data from: {filepath}') data = np.load(filepath)['component'] df = pd.DataFrame(data, copy=False) df.index.names = ['Ids']'--- DataFrame creation complete.') return df
[docs] def create_transformed_matrix(input_path: Union[str, Path], output_folder: Union[str, Path], mesh_path: Union[str, Path], case_name: str, start_t: float, end_t: float, quantity: str, fluid_domain_id: Union[int, list[int]], solid_domain_id: Union[int, list[int]], stride: int = 1) -> Tuple[float, Optional[dict[str, np.ndarray]], Optional[dict[str, np.ndarray]]]: """ Create a transformed matrix from simulation data. Args: input_path (str or Path): Path to the input simulation data. output_folder (str or Path): Path to the output folder where the transformed matrix will be stored. mesh_path (str or Path): Path to the input mesh data. case_name (str): Name of the simulation case. start_t (float): Start time for extracting data. end_t (float): End time for extracting data. quantity (str): Quantity to extract (e.g., 'd' for displacement, 'v' for velocity). fluid_domain_id (int or list): ID of the fluid domain solid_domain_id (int or list): ID of the solid domain stride (int): Stride for selecting timesteps. Returns: Tuple[float, dict[str, np.ndarray], dict[str, np.ndarray]]: A tuple containing the time between files, dof_info_dict, """"--- Creating matrix for case {case_name}...") input_path = Path(input_path) output_folder = Path(output_folder) # Get parameters parameters = read_parameters_from_file(input_path.parent) # Create output directory if it doesn't exist if not output_folder.exists(): output_folder.mkdir(parents=True)'--- Output directory created: {output_folder}') else:'--- Output directory already exists: {output_folder}') # Get node ID's from input mesh. If save_deg=2, you can supply the original mesh to get the data for the # corner nodes, or supply a refined mesh to get the data for all nodes (very computationally intensive) if quantity in {"d", "v", "p"}: _, _, all_ids = get_domain_ids(Path(mesh_path), fluid_domain_id, solid_domain_id) ids = all_ids # Get name of xdmf file xdmf_files = { 'd': 'displacement.xdmf', 'v': 'velocity.xdmf', 'p': 'pressure.xdmf', 'wss': 'WSS.xdmf', 'mps': 'MaxPrincipalStrain.xdmf', 'strain': 'GreenLagrangeStrain.xdmf' } if quantity in xdmf_files: xdmf_path = input_path / xdmf_files[quantity] else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for quantity. Please use 'd', 'v', 'p', 'wss', 'mps', or 'strain'.") # Get information about h5 files associated with xdmf file and also information about the timesteps"--- Getting information about h5 files...") h5_ts, time_ts, index_ts = output_file_lists(xdmf_path) # Calculate the time between files from the xdmf file time_between_files = time_ts[2] - time_ts[1] # Open up the first h5 file to get the number of timesteps and nodes for the output data first_h5_file = input_path / h5_ts[0] vector_data = h5py.File(first_h5_file, 'r') # Define a dictionary with format strings for array names quantity_to_array = { "wss": "WSS/WSS_{}/vector", "mps": "MaxPrincipalStrain/MaxPrincipalStrain_{}/vector", "strain": "GreenLagrangeStrain/GreenLagrangeStrain_{}/vector" } # In case of wss, mps, strain, we need to get the more information from h5 file name_of_quantity_in_h5 = list(vector_data.keys())[0] first_data = name_of_quantity_in_h5 + "/" + name_of_quantity_in_h5 + "_0" dof_info_name = [ "cell_dofs", "cells", "mesh/geometry", "mesh/topology", "x_cell_dofs", ] dof_info = [first_data + "/" + name for name in dof_info_name] # get information about dofs if quantity in {"wss", "mps", "strain"}: dof_info_dict = {name: np.array(vector_data[key][:]) for name, key in zip(dof_info_name, dof_info)} else: dof_info_dict = None if quantity in {"wss", "mps", "strain"}: xdmf_path_amplitude = input_path / xdmf_files["mps"] h5_ts_amplitude, _, _ = output_file_lists(xdmf_path_amplitude) first_h5_file_amplitude = input_path / h5_ts_amplitude[0] vector_data_amplitude = h5py.File(first_h5_file_amplitude, 'r') name_of_quantity_in_h5_amplitude = list(vector_data_amplitude.keys())[0] first_data_amplitude = name_of_quantity_in_h5_amplitude + "/" + name_of_quantity_in_h5_amplitude + "_0" dof_info_amplitude = [first_data_amplitude + "/" + name for name in dof_info_name] dof_info_dict_amplitude = {name: np.array(vector_data_amplitude[key][:]) for name, key in zip(dof_info_name, dof_info_amplitude)} vector_data_amplitude.close() else: dof_info_dict_amplitude = None # Get the format string from the dictionary based on the quantity format_string = quantity_to_array.get(quantity, 'VisualisationVector/{}') array_name = format_string.format(0) if quantity in {"wss", "mps", "strain"}: ids = np.arange(len(vector_data[array_name][:])) vector_array = vector_data[array_name][:, :] if quantity == "strain": reshaped_num_rows = int((vector_array.shape[0]) / 9) vector_array = vector_array.reshape((reshaped_num_rows, 9)) # For wss/mps/strain, there is no need to get the ids from the mesh file # vector_array = vector_array_all[ids, :] num_ts = int(len(time_ts)) # Total amount of timesteps in original file"--- Total number of timesteps: {num_ts}") # Get shape of output data num_rows = vector_array.shape[0] if quantity in {"d", "v", "p"}: num_cols = int((end_t - start_t) / (time_between_files * stride)) - 1 elif quantity in {"wss", "mps", "strain"}: num_cols = num_ts - 1 # Pre-allocate the arrays for the formatted data if quantity in {"v", "d"}: quantity_x, quantity_y, quantity_z = [np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols)) for _ in range(3)] elif quantity == "strain": quantity_11, quantity_12, quantity_22, quantity_23, quantity_33, quantity_31 = \ [np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols)) for _ in range(6)] quantity_magnitude = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols)) # Initialize variables tol = 1e-8 # temporal spacing tolerance idx_zeroed = 0 # Output index for formatted data h5_file_prev = None # Set start and stop timesteps if parameters is not None: dt = parameters["dt"] start = round(start_t / dt) stop = round(end_t / dt) - 2 else: start = 0 stop = num_ts # In case of post-processed data, start-t and end-t are depend on how the user run `` # Therefore, we need to set start and stop based on the number of timesteps in the h5 files if quantity in {"wss", "mps", "strain"}: start = 0 stop = num_ts # Initialize tqdm with the total number of iterations progress_bar = tqdm(total=stop - start, desc="--- Transferring timestep", unit="step") for i in range(start, stop): time_file = time_ts[i] # Check if the spacing between files is not equal to the intended timestep if i > 0 and np.abs(time_file - time_ts[i - 1] - time_between_files) > tol: logging.warning('WARNING: Uneven temporal spacing detected!!') # Open input h5 file h5_file = input_path / h5_ts[i] if h5_file != h5_file_prev: vector_data.close() vector_data = h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') h5_file_prev = h5_file # If the timestep falls within the desired timeframe and has the correct stride if start_t <= time_file <= end_t and i % stride == 0: # Open Vector Array from h5 file array_name = format_string.format(index_ts[i]) vector_array_full = vector_data[array_name][:, :] try: # Get required data depending on whether pressure, displacement, or velocity if quantity in {"p", "wss", "mps"}: quantity_magnitude[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array_full[ids, 0] elif quantity == "strain": # NOTE: here vector array is just one-d array and that's why we need to reshape it # h5 file is strcutured in a different way than the other quantities vector_array = vector_array_full[ids, :] vector_array = vector_array.reshape((reshaped_num_rows, 9)) quantity_11[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 0] quantity_12[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 1] quantity_22[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 4] quantity_23[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 5] quantity_33[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 8] quantity_31[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 6] else: vector_array = vector_array_full[ids, :] quantity_x[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 0] quantity_y[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 1] quantity_z[:, idx_zeroed] = vector_array[:, 2] quantity_magnitude[:, idx_zeroed] = LA.norm(vector_array, axis=1) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"ERROR: An unexpected error occurred - {e}") break # Update the information in the progress bar progress_bar.set_postfix({"Timestep": index_ts[i], "Time": time_ts[i], "File": h5_ts[i]}) idx_zeroed += 1 # Move to the next index of the output h5 file progress_bar.update() progress_bar.close() vector_data.close()"--- Finished reading h5 files") # Create output h5 file if quantity in {"d", "v"}: formatted_data = [quantity_magnitude, quantity_x, quantity_y, quantity_z] component_names = ["mag", "x", "y", "z"] elif quantity == "strain": formatted_data = [quantity_11, quantity_12, quantity_22, quantity_23, quantity_33, quantity_31] component_names = ["11", "12", "22", "23", "33", "31"] else: component_names = ["mag"] for i, component_name in enumerate(tqdm(component_names, desc="--- Writing component files", unit="component")): # Create output path output_file_name = f"{quantity}_{component_name}.npz" output_path = output_folder / output_file_name # Remove old file path if output_path.exists(): output_path.unlink() # Store output in npz file if quantity in {"v", "d", "strain"}: np.savez_compressed(output_path, component=formatted_data[i]) else: np.savez_compressed(output_path, component=quantity_magnitude) # save dof_info_dict in case of strain if quantity == "strain": with open(output_folder / "dof_info.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(dof_info_dict, f) with open(output_folder / "dof_info_amplitude.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(dof_info_dict_amplitude, f)"--- Finished writing component files\n") return time_between_files, dof_info_dict, dof_info_dict_amplitude
[docs] def create_point_trace(formatted_data_folder: str, output_folder: str, point_ids: List[int], time_between_files: float, start_t: float, dvp: str) -> None: """ Create point traces for specified point IDs and save the results in CSV and PNG files. Args: formatted_data_folder (str): Path to the folder containing formatted data. output_folder (str): Path to the folder where output files will be saved. point_ids (List[int]): List of point IDs for which traces will be created. time_between_files (float): Time between files in seconds. start_t (float): Start time of the simulation. dvp (str): Type of visualization ('v' for velocity, 'd' for displacement, 'p' for pressure). Returns: None """ # Get input data components_data = [] component_names = ["mag", "x", "y", "z"] for i, component_name in enumerate(tqdm(component_names, desc="--- Loading data")): if dvp == "p" and i > 0: break file_str = f"{dvp}_{component_name}.npz" matching_files = [file for file in os.listdir(formatted_data_folder) if file_str in file] if not matching_files: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No file found for {file_str}") component_file = matching_files[0] component_data = np.load(Path(formatted_data_folder) / component_file)['component'] components_data.append(component_data) # Create name for output file, define output path if dvp == "v": viz_type = 'velocity' elif dvp == "d": viz_type = 'displacement' elif dvp == "p": viz_type = 'pressure' else: raise ValueError("Input 'd', 'v' or 'p' for dvp") num_ts = components_data[0].shape[1] time_plot = np.arange(start_t, num_ts * time_between_files + start_t, time_between_files) # Create output directory output_path = Path(output_folder) if output_path.exists(): logging.debug(f"--- Output folder '{output_path}' already exists.") else: output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logging.debug(f"--- Output folder '{output_path}' created.") print(f"--- Processing point IDs: {point_ids}") for point_id in point_ids: output_string = f"{viz_type}_point_id_{point_id}" # Base filename num_columns = 2 if dvp == "p" else 5 output_data = np.zeros((num_ts, num_columns)) output_data[:, 0] = time_plot for i in range(1, num_columns): output_data[:, i] = components_data[i - 1][point_id, :] point_trace_file = output_path / f"{output_string}.csv" point_trace_graph_file = output_path / f"{output_string}.png" header = "time (s), Magnitude" if dvp == "p" else "time (s), Magnitude, X Component, Y Component, Z Component" np.savetxt(point_trace_file, output_data, delimiter=",", header=header) # Plot and Save plt.plot(output_data[:, 0], output_data[:, 1], label="Mag") if dvp != "p": plt.plot(output_data[:, 0], output_data[:, 2], label="X") plt.plot(output_data[:, 0], output_data[:, 3], label="Y") plt.plot(output_data[:, 0], output_data[:, 4], label="Z") plt.title(f'Point # {point_id}') if dvp == "p": plt.ylabel("Pressure (Pa) Not including 80-120 perfusion pressure") elif dvp == "v": plt.ylabel("Velocity (m/s)") elif dvp == "d": plt.ylabel("Displacement (m)") plt.xlabel('Simulation Time (s)') plt.legend() plt.savefig(point_trace_graph_file) plt.close() print(f"--- Point traces saved at: {output_folder}")
[docs] def create_xdmf_file(num_ts: int, time_between_files: float, start_t: float, n_elements: int, n_nodes: int, att_type: str, viz_type: str, output_folder: Path) -> None: """ Create an XDMF file for a time series visualization. Args: num_ts (int): Number of time steps. time_between_files (float): Time interval between files. start_t (float): Starting time. n_elements (int): Number of elements. n_nodes (int): Number of nodes. att_type (str): Type of attribute - "Scalar", "Vector", or "Tensor". viz_type (str): Visualization type. output_folder (Path): Path to the output folder. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If an unsupported attribute type is provided. """ # Create strings num_el = str(n_elements) num_nodes = str(n_nodes) if att_type == "Scalar": n_dim = '1' elif att_type == "Tensor": n_dim = '9' elif att_type == "Vector": n_dim = '3' else: raise ValueError("Attribute type must be one of 'Scalar', 'Vector', or 'Tensor'.") # Write lines of xdmf file lines = f'''<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []> <Xdmf Version="3.0" xmlns:xi=""> <Domain> <Grid Name="TimeSeries_{viz_type}" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal"> <Grid Name="mesh" GridType="Uniform"> <Topology NumberOfElements="{num_el}" TopologyType="Tetrahedron" NodesPerElement="4"> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_el} 4" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:/Mesh/0/mesh/topology</DataItem> </Topology> <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ"> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_nodes} 3" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:/Mesh/0/mesh/geometry</DataItem> </Geometry> ''' # noqa for idx in range(num_ts): time_value = str(idx * time_between_files + start_t) lines += f'''\ <Time Value="{time_value}" /> <Attribute Name="{viz_type}" AttributeType="{att_type}" Center="Node"> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_nodes} {n_dim}" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:/VisualisationVector/{idx}</DataItem> </Attribute> </Grid> ''' if idx == num_ts - 1: break lines += f'''\ <Grid> <xi:include xpointer="xpointer(//Grid[@Name=&quot;TimeSeries_{viz_type}&quot;]/Grid[1]/*[self::Topology or self::Geometry])" /> ''' # noqa lines += '''\ </Grid> </Domain> </Xdmf> ''' # Writing lines to file xdmf_path = output_folder / f'{viz_type}.xdmf' # Remove old file if it exists if xdmf_path.exists(): logging.debug(f'--- Removing existing file at: {xdmf_path}') xdmf_path.unlink() with open(xdmf_path, 'w') as xdmf_file: logging.debug(f'--- Writing XDMF file: {xdmf_path}') xdmf_file.write(lines)
[docs] def create_checkpoint_xdmf_file(num_ts: int, time_between_files: float, start_t: float, n_elements: int, n_nodes: int, att_type: str, viz_type: str, output_folder: Path) -> None: """ Create an XDMF file for a time series visualization. This function is specifically for the data genearted by FEniCS `write_checkpoint` function. Args: num_ts (int): Number of time steps. time_between_files (float): Time interval between files. start_t (float): Starting time. n_elements (int): Number of elements. n_nodes (int): Number of nodes. att_type (str): Type of attribute - "Scalar", "Vector", or "Tensor". viz_type (str): Visualization type. output_folder (Path): Path to the output folder. Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If an unsupported attribute type is provided. Note ---- We assume that the function is discontinuous Galerkin and the element degree is 1. """ if att_type == "Scalar": n_dim = 1 elif att_type == "Tensor": n_dim = 9 elif att_type == "Vector": n_dim = 3 else: raise ValueError("Attribute type must be one of 'Scalar', 'Vector', or 'Tensor'.") # Create strings num_dof_per_cell = 4 num_tetrachedra = int(n_elements / 8) total_num_dof = num_tetrachedra * num_dof_per_cell * n_dim num_x_cell_dof = num_tetrachedra + 1 total_num_dof_str = str(total_num_dof) num_x_cell_dof_str = str(num_x_cell_dof) num_tetrachedra_str = str(num_tetrachedra) num_nodes_str = str(n_nodes) # Write lines of xdmf file lines = f'''<?xml version="1.0"?> <Xdmf Version="3.0"> <Domain> <Grid GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal" Name="{viz_type}"> ''' # noqa for idx in range(num_ts): time_value = str(idx * time_between_files + start_t) lines += f'''\ <Grid Name="{viz_type}_{idx}" GridType="Uniform"> <Topology NumberOfElements="{num_tetrachedra_str}" TopologyType="Tetrahedron" NodesPerElement="4"> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_tetrachedra_str} 4" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:{viz_type}/{viz_type}_0/mesh/topology</DataItem> </Topology> <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ"> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_nodes_str} 3" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:{viz_type}/{viz_type}_0/mesh/geometry</DataItem> </Geometry> <Time Value="{time_value}" /> <Attribute ItemType="FiniteElementFunction" ElementFamily="DG" ElementDegree="1" ElementCell="tetrahedron" Name="{viz_type}" Center="Other" AttributeType="{att_type}"> <DataItem Dimensions="{total_num_dof_str} 1" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:{viz_type}/{viz_type}_0/cell_dofs</DataItem> <DataItem Dimensions="{total_num_dof_str} 1" NumberType="Float" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:{viz_type}/{viz_type}_{idx}/vector</DataItem> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_x_cell_dof_str} 1" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:{viz_type}/{viz_type}_0/x_cell_dofs</DataItem> <DataItem Dimensions="{num_tetrachedra_str} 1" NumberType="UInt" Format="HDF">{viz_type}.h5:{viz_type}/{viz_type}_0/cells</DataItem> </Attribute> </Grid> ''' # noqa if idx == num_ts - 1: break lines += '''\ </Grid> </Domain> </Xdmf> ''' # Writing lines to file xdmf_path = output_folder / f'{viz_type}.xdmf' # Remove old file if it exists if xdmf_path.exists(): logging.debug(f'--- Removing existing file at: {xdmf_path}') xdmf_path.unlink() with open(xdmf_path, 'w') as xdmf_file: logging.debug(f'--- Writing XDMF file: {xdmf_path}') xdmf_file.write(lines)
[docs] def calculate_windowed_rms(signal_array: np.ndarray, window_size: int, window_type: str = "flat") -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the windowed root mean squared (RMS) amplitude of a signal. Args: signal_array (numpy.ndarray): Input signal. window_size (int): Size of the window in number of timesteps. window_type (str, optional): Type of window function to use. Default is "flat". Supported window types: "flat", "tukey", "hann", "blackmanharris", "flattop". Returns: numpy.ndarray: Windowed RMS amplitudes. References: """ # Calculate squared amplitudes of the signal signal_squared = np.power(signal_array, 2) # Define window functions for different types window_functions = { "flat": np.ones(window_size) / float(window_size), "tukey": / float(window_size), "hann": / float(window_size), "blackmanharris": / float(window_size), "flattop": / float(window_size), } # Select the appropriate window function based on the specified window type window = window_functions.get(window_type, np.ones(window_size) / float(window_size)) # Calculate the RMS using convolution # TODO: consider using scipy.signal.fftconvolve for faster computation RMS = np.sqrt(np.convolve(signal_squared, window, mode="valid")) len_RMS = len(RMS) len_signal_squared = len(signal_squared) pad_length = int((len_signal_squared - len_RMS) / 2) # Pad the RMS array to match the length of the original signal RMS_padded = np.zeros(len_signal_squared) for i in range(len_signal_squared): if pad_length <= i < len_RMS + pad_length: RMS_padded[i] = RMS[i - pad_length] return RMS_padded
[docs] def get_eig(T: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Analytically calculate eigenvalues for a three-dimensional tensor T with a characteristic polynomial equation of the form lambda^3 - I1*lambda^2 + I2*lambda - I3 = 0 . Since the characteristic polynomial is in its normal form , the eigenvalues can be determined using Cardanos formula. This algorithm is based on: "Efficient numerical diagonalization of hermitian 3 by 3 matrices" by J.Kopp, eqn 21-34, with coefficients: c2=-I1, c1 = I2, c3 = -I3). NOTE: The method implemented here, implicitly assumes that the polynomial has only real roots, since imaginary ones should not occur in this use case. In order to ensure eigenvalues with algebraic multiplicity of 1, the idea of numerical perturbations is adopted from "Computation of isotropic tensor functions" by C. Miehe (1993). Since direct comparisons with conditionals have proven to be very slow, not the eigenvalues but the coefficients occuring during the calculation of them are perturbated to get distinct values. Args: T (np.ndarray): Three-dimensional tensor. Returns: float: First eigenvalue. References: """ # Determine perturbation from tolerance tol1 = 1e-16 pert1 = 2 * tol1 tol2 = 1e-24 pert2 = 2 * tol2 tol3 = 1e-40 pert3 = 2 * tol3 # Get required invariants I1 = np.trace(T) I2 = 0.5 * (np.trace(T) ** 2 - np.tensordot(T, T)) I3 = np.linalg.det(T) # Determine terms p and q according to the paper p = I1 ** 2 - 3 * I2 if p < tol1: #"--- perturbation applied to p: p = {p}") p = np.abs(p) + pert1 q = 27 / 2 * I3 + I1 ** 3 - 9 / 2 * I1 * I2 if abs(q) < tol2: #"--- perturbation applied to q: q = {q}") q = q + np.sign(q) * pert2 # Determine angle phi for calculation of roots phi_nom2 = 27 * (1 / 4 * I2 ** 2 * (p - I2) + I3 * (27 / 4 * I3 - q)) if phi_nom2 < tol3: #"--- perturbation applied to phi_nom2: phi_nom2 = {phi_nom2}") phi_nom2 = np.abs(phi_nom2) + pert3 phi = 1 / 3 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(phi_nom2), q) # Calculate polynomial roots lambda1 = 1 / 3 * (np.sqrt(p) * 2 * np.cos(phi) + I1) # Return polynomial roots (eigenvalues) return lambda1