Source code for vasp.simulations.aneurysm

# Copyright (c) 2025 Simula Research Laboratory
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

Problem file for aneurysm FSI simulation
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

from vampy.simulation.Womersley import make_womersley_bcs, compute_boundary_geometry_acrn
from vampy.simulation.simulation_common import print_mesh_information
from turtleFSI.problems import *
from dolfin import HDF5File, Mesh, MeshFunction, facets, assemble, sqrt, FacetNormal, ds, \
    DirichletBC, Measure, inner, parameters, VectorFunctionSpace, Function, XDMFFile

from vasp.simulations.simulation_common import load_probe_points, calculate_and_print_flow_properties, \
    print_probe_points, InterfacePressure, compute_minimum_jacobian

# set compiler arguments
parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
parameters["form_compiler"]["optimize"] = True
# The "ghost_mode" has to do with the assembly of form containing the facet
# normals n('+') within interior boundaries (dS). for 3D mesh the value should
# be "shared_vertex", for 2D mesh "shared_facet", the default value is "none"
parameters["ghost_mode"] = "shared_vertex"
_compiler_parameters = dict(parameters["form_compiler"])

[docs] def set_problem_parameters(default_variables, **namespace): # Compute some solid parameters # Need to stay here since mus_s and lambda_s are functions of nu_s and E_s E_s_val = 1E6 nu_s_val = 0.45 mu_s_val = E_s_val / (2 * (1 + nu_s_val)) # 0.345E6 lambda_s_val = nu_s_val * 2. * mu_s_val / (1. - 2. * nu_s_val) default_variables.update(dict( # Temporal parameters T=0.002, # Simulation end time dt=0.001, # Timne step size theta=0.501, # Theta scheme parameter save_step=1, # Save frequency of files for visualisation save_solution_after_tstep=951, # Start saving the solution after this time step for the mean value checkpoint_step=50, # Save frequency of checkpoint files # Linear solver parameters linear_solver="mumps", atol=1e-10, # Absolute tolerance in the Newton solver rtol=1e-9, # Relative tolerance in the Newton solver recompute=20, # Recompute the Jacobian matix within time steps recompute_tstep=20, # Recompute the Jacobian matix over time steps # boundary condition parameters inlet_id=2, # inlet id for the fluid inlet_outlet_s_id=11, # inlet and outlet id for solid fsi_id=22, # id for fsi surface rigid_id=11, # "rigid wall" id for the fluid outer_id=33, # id for the outer surface of the solid # Fluid parameters Q_mean=1.25E-06, P_mean=11200, T_Cycle=0.951, # Used to define length of flow waveform rho_f=1.000E3, # Fluid density [kg/m3] mu_f=3.5E-3, # Fluid dynamic viscosity [Pa.s] dx_f_id=1, # ID of marker in the fluid domain # mesh lifting parameters (see turtleFSI for options) extrapolation="laplace", extrapolation_sub_type="constant", # Solid parameters rho_s=1.0E3, # Solid density [kg/m3] mu_s=mu_s_val, # Solid shear modulus or 2nd Lame Coef. [Pa] nu_s=nu_s_val, # Solid Poisson ratio [-] lambda_s=lambda_s_val, # Solid Young's modulus [Pa] dx_s_id=2, # ID of marker in the solid domain # FSI parameters fsi_region=[0.123, 0.134, 0.063, 0.004], # x, y, and z coordinate of FSI region center, # and radius of FSI region sphere # Simulation parameters folder="aneurysm_results", # Folder name generated for the simulation mesh_path="mesh/file_aneurysm.h5", FC_file="FC_MCA_10", # File name containing the fourier coefficients for the flow waveform P_FC_File="FC_Pressure", # File name containing the fourier coefficients for the pressure waveform compiler_parameters=_compiler_parameters, # Update the defaul values of the compiler arguments (FEniCS) save_deg=2, # Degree of the functions saved for visualisation scale_probe=True, # Scale the probe points to meters )) return default_variables
[docs] def get_mesh_domain_and_boundaries(mesh_path, fsi_region, fsi_id, rigid_id, outer_id, **namespace): # Read mesh mesh = Mesh() hdf = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), mesh_path, "r"), "/mesh", False) boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2), "/boundaries") domains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 3), "/domains") print_mesh_information(mesh) # Only consider FSI in domain within this sphere sph_x = fsi_region[0] sph_y = fsi_region[1] sph_z = fsi_region[2] sph_rad = fsi_region[3] i = 0 for submesh_facet in facets(mesh): idx_facet = boundaries.array()[i] if idx_facet == fsi_id or idx_facet == outer_id: mid = submesh_facet.midpoint() dist_sph_center = sqrt((mid.x() - sph_x) ** 2 + (mid.y() - sph_y) ** 2 + (mid.z() - sph_z) ** 2) if dist_sph_center > sph_rad: boundaries.array()[i] = rigid_id # changed "fsi" idx to "rigid wall" idx i += 1 return mesh, domains, boundaries
[docs] def create_bcs(t, DVP, mesh, boundaries, mu_f, fsi_id, inlet_id, inlet_outlet_s_id, rigid_id, psi, F_solid_linear, p_deg, FC_file, Q_mean, P_FC_File, P_mean, T_Cycle, **namespace): # Load fourier coefficients for the velocity and scale by flow rate An, Bn = np.loadtxt(Path(__file__).parent / FC_file).T # Convert to complex fourier coefficients Cn = (An - Bn * 1j) * Q_mean _, tmp_center, tmp_radius, tmp_normal = compute_boundary_geometry_acrn(mesh, inlet_id, boundaries) # Create Womersley boundary condition at inlet tmp_element = DVP.sub(1).sub(0).ufl_element() inlet = make_womersley_bcs(T_Cycle, None, mu_f, tmp_center, tmp_radius, tmp_normal, tmp_element, Cn=Cn) # Initialize inlet expressions with initial time for uc in inlet: uc.set_t(t) # Create Boundary conditions for the velocity u_inlet = [DirichletBC(DVP.sub(1).sub(i), inlet[i], boundaries, inlet_id) for i in range(3)] u_inlet_s = DirichletBC(DVP.sub(1), ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), boundaries, inlet_outlet_s_id) # Solid Displacement BCs d_inlet = DirichletBC(DVP.sub(0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), boundaries, inlet_id) d_inlet_s = DirichletBC(DVP.sub(0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), boundaries, inlet_outlet_s_id) d_rigid = DirichletBC(DVP.sub(0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), boundaries, rigid_id) # Assemble boundary conditions bcs = u_inlet + [d_inlet, u_inlet_s, d_inlet_s, d_rigid] # Load Fourier coefficients for the pressure An_P, Bn_P = np.loadtxt(Path(__file__).parent / P_FC_File).T # Apply pulsatile pressure at the fsi interface by modifying the variational form n = FacetNormal(mesh) dSS = Measure("dS", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) interface_pressure = InterfacePressure(t=0.0, t_ramp_start=0.0, t_ramp_end=0.2, An=An_P, Bn=Bn_P, period=T_Cycle, P_mean=P_mean, degree=p_deg) # NOTE: ('+') implicitly assumes that the solid domain has a higher domain ID than the fluid domain F_solid_linear += interface_pressure * inner(n('+'), psi('+')) * dSS(fsi_id) # Create inlet subdomain for computing the flow rate inside post_solve dsi = ds(inlet_id, domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) inlet_area = assemble(1.0 * dsi) return dict(bcs=bcs, inlet=inlet, interface_pressure=interface_pressure, F_solid_linear=F_solid_linear, n=n, dsi=dsi, inlet_area=inlet_area)
[docs] def initiate(mesh_path, scale_probe, mesh, v_deg, p_deg, **namespace): probe_points = load_probe_points(mesh_path) # In case the probe points are in mm, scale them to meters if scale_probe: probe_points = probe_points * 0.001 Vv = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", v_deg) V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", p_deg) d_mean = Function(Vv) u_mean = Function(Vv) p_mean = Function(V) return dict(probe_points=probe_points, d_mean=d_mean, u_mean=u_mean, p_mean=p_mean)
[docs] def pre_solve(t, inlet, interface_pressure, **namespace): for uc in inlet: # Update the time variable used for the inlet boundary condition uc.set_t(t) # Multiply by cosine function to ramp up smoothly over time interval 0-250 ms if t < 0.25: uc.scale_value = -0.5 * np.cos(np.pi * t / 0.25) + 0.5 else: uc.scale_value = 1.0 # Update pressure condition interface_pressure.update(t) return dict(inlet=inlet, interface_pressure=interface_pressure)
[docs] def post_solve(dvp_, n, dsi, dt, mesh, inlet_area, mu_f, rho_f, probe_points, t, save_solution_after_tstep, d_mean, u_mean, p_mean, **namespace): d = dvp_["n"].sub(0, deepcopy=True) v = dvp_["n"].sub(1, deepcopy=True) p = dvp_["n"].sub(2, deepcopy=True) print_probe_points(v, p, probe_points) calculate_and_print_flow_properties(dt, mesh, v, inlet_area, mu_f, rho_f, n, dsi) compute_minimum_jacobian(mesh, d) if t >= save_solution_after_tstep * dt: # Here, we accumulate the velocity filed in u_mean d_mean.vector().axpy(1, d.vector()) u_mean.vector().axpy(1, v.vector()) p_mean.vector().axpy(1, p.vector()) return dict(u_mean=u_mean, d_mean=d_mean, p_mean=p_mean) else: return None
[docs] def finished(d_mean, u_mean, p_mean, visualization_folder, save_solution_after_tstep, T, dt, **namespace): # Divide the accumulated vectors by the number of time steps num_steps = T / dt - save_solution_after_tstep + 1 for data in [d_mean, u_mean, p_mean]: data.vector()[:] = data.vector()[:] / num_steps # Save u_mean as a XDMF file using the checkpoint data_names = [ (d_mean, "d_mean.xdmf"), (u_mean, "u_mean.xdmf"), (p_mean, "p_mean.xdmf") ] for vector, data_name in data_names: file_path = Path(visualization_folder) / data_name with XDMFFile(MPI.comm_world, str(file_path)) as f: f.write_checkpoint(vector, data_name, 0, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5)