from os import path
from dolfin import Function, VectorFunctionSpace, FunctionSpace, parameters, MPI, HDF5File, Mesh, XDMFFile, \
BoundaryMesh, project, inner
from vampy.automatedPostprocessing.postprocessing_common import STRESS, read_command_line, get_dataset_names
parameters["reorder_dofs_serial"] = False
except NameError:
[docs]def compute_hemodynamic_indices(folder, nu, rho, dt, T, velocity_degree, save_frequency, start_cycle, step,
Loads velocity fields from completed CFD simulation,
and computes and saves the following hemodynamic quantities:
(1) WSS - Wall shear stress
(2) TAWSS - Time averaged wall shear stress
(3) TWSSG - Temporal wall shear stress gradient
(4) OSI - Oscillatory shear index
(5) RRT - Relative residence time
(6) ECAP - Endothelial cell activation potential
The resulting wall shear stress will be in units Pascal [Pa], given that the provided
density (rho) is in [kg/m^3], the time step (dt) is in [ms], and viscosity (nu) is in [mm^2/ms].
velocity_degree (int): Finite element degree of velocity
folder (str): Path to results from simulation
nu (float): Kinematic viscosity
rho (float): Fluid density
dt (float): Time step of simulation
T (float): Length of one cardiac cycle, in [ms]
save_frequency (int): Frequency that velocity has been stored
start_cycle (int): Determines which cardiac cycle to start from for post-processing
step (int): Step size determining number of times data is sampled
average_over_cycles (bool): Averages over cardiac cycles if True
# File paths
file_path_u = path.join(folder, "u.h5")
mesh_path = path.join(folder, "mesh.h5")
file_u = HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, file_path_u, "r")
# Determine what time step to start post-processing from
start = int(T / dt / save_frequency * (start_cycle - 1))
# Get names of data to extract
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Reading dataset names")
dataset = get_dataset_names(file_u, start=start, step=step)
# Read mesh saved as HDF5 format
mesh = Mesh()
with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, mesh_path, "r") as mesh_file:, "mesh", False)
bm = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior')
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Defining function spaces")
V_b1 = VectorFunctionSpace(bm, "CG", 1)
U_b1 = FunctionSpace(bm, "CG", 1)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", velocity_degree)
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Defining functions")
u = Function(V)
RRT = Function(U_b1)
RRT_avg = Function(U_b1)
OSI = Function(U_b1)
OSI_avg = Function(U_b1)
ECAP = Function(U_b1)
ECAP_avg = Function(U_b1)
# WSS_mean
WSS_mean = Function(V_b1)
WSS_mean_avg = Function(V_b1)
TAWSS = Function(U_b1)
TAWSS_avg = Function(U_b1)
TWSSG = Function(U_b1)
TWSSG_avg = Function(U_b1)
twssg = Function(V_b1)
tau_prev = Function(V_b1)
stress = STRESS(u, 0.0, nu, mesh)
# Get number of saved steps and cycles
saved_time_steps_per_cycle = int(T / dt / save_frequency / step)
n_cycles = int(len(dataset) / saved_time_steps_per_cycle)
# Set number of cycles to average over
cycles_to_average = list(range(1, n_cycles + 1)) if average_over_cycles else []
counters_to_save = [saved_time_steps_per_cycle * cycle for cycle in cycles_to_average]
cycle_names = [""] + ["_cycle_{:02d}".format(cycle) for cycle in cycles_to_average]
# Create XDMF files for saving indices
fullname = file_path_u.replace("u.h5", "%s%s.xdmf")
fullname = fullname.replace("Solutions", "Hemodynamics")
index_names = ["RRT", "OSI", "ECAP", "TAWSS", "TWSSG"]
index_variables = [RRT, OSI, ECAP, TAWSS, TWSSG]
index_variables_avg = [RRT_avg, OSI_avg, ECAP_avg, TAWSS_avg, TWSSG_avg]
index_dict = dict(zip(index_names, index_variables))
index_dict_cycle = dict(zip(index_names, index_variables_avg))
indices = {}
for cycle_name in cycle_names:
for index in index_names + ["WSS"]:
indices[index + cycle_name] = XDMFFile(MPI.comm_world, fullname % (index, cycle_name))
indices[index + cycle_name].parameters["rewrite_function_mesh"] = False
indices[index + cycle_name].parameters["flush_output"] = True
indices[index + cycle_name].parameters["functions_share_mesh"] = True
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("=" * 10, "Start post processing", "=" * 10)
counter = start
for data in dataset:
# Update file_counter
counter += 1, data)
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
timestamp = file_u.attributes(data)["timestamp"]
print("=" * 10, "Timestep: {}".format(timestamp), "=" * 10)
# Compute WSS
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Compute WSS (mean)")
tau = stress()
tau.vector()[:] = tau.vector()[:] * rho
WSS_mean_avg.vector().axpy(1, tau.vector())
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Compute WSS (absolute value)")
tawss = project(inner(tau, tau) ** (1 / 2), U_b1)
TAWSS_avg.vector().axpy(1, tawss.vector())
# Compute TWSSG
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Compute TWSSG")
twssg.vector().set_local((tau.vector().get_local() - tau_prev.vector().get_local()) / dt)
twssg_ = project(inner(twssg, twssg) ** (1 / 2), U_b1)
TWSSG_avg.vector().axpy(1, twssg_.vector())
# Update tau
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("Update WSS \n")
tau_prev.vector().axpy(1, tau.vector())
# Save instantaneous WSS
tau.rename("WSS", "WSS")
indices["WSS"].write(tau, dt * counter)
if len(cycles_to_average) != 0 and counter == counters_to_save[0]:
# Get cycle number
cycle = int(counters_to_save[0] / saved_time_steps_per_cycle)
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("=" * 10, "Storing cardiac cycle {}".format(cycle), "=" * 10)
# Get average over sampled time steps
for index in [TWSSG_avg, TAWSS_avg, WSS_mean_avg]:
index.vector()[:] = index.vector()[:] / saved_time_steps_per_cycle
# Compute OSI, RRT and ECAP
wss_mean = project(inner(WSS_mean_avg, WSS_mean_avg) ** (1 / 2), U_b1)
wss_mean_vec = wss_mean.vector().get_local()
tawss_vec = TAWSS_avg.vector().get_local()
# Compute RRT, OSI, and ECAP based on mean and absolute WSS
RRT_avg.vector().set_local(1 / wss_mean_vec)
OSI_avg.vector().set_local(0.5 * (1 - wss_mean_vec / tawss_vec))
ECAP_avg.vector().set_local(OSI_avg.vector().get_local() / tawss_vec)
for index in [RRT_avg, OSI_avg, ECAP_avg]:
# Rename displayed variable names
for var, name in zip(index_variables_avg, index_names):
var.rename(name, name)
# Store solution
for name, index in index_dict_cycle.items():
indices[name + "_cycle_{:02d}".format(cycle)].write(index)
# Append solution to total solution
for index, index_avg in zip(index_dict.values(), index_dict_cycle.values()):
index.vector().axpy(1, index_avg.vector())
WSS_mean.vector().axpy(1, WSS_mean_avg.vector())
# Reset tmp solutions
for index_avg in index_dict_cycle.values():
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("=" * 10, "Saving hemodynamic indices", "=" * 10)
# Time average computed indices
n = n_cycles if average_over_cycles else (counter - start) // step
index_dict = index_dict if len(cycles_to_average) != 0 else index_dict_cycle
WSS_mean = WSS_mean if len(cycles_to_average) != 0 else WSS_mean_avg
index_dict['TWSSG'].vector()[:] = index_dict['TWSSG'].vector()[:] / n
index_dict['TAWSS'].vector()[:] = index_dict['TAWSS'].vector()[:] / n
WSS_mean.vector()[:] = WSS_mean.vector()[:] / n
wss_mean = project(inner(WSS_mean, WSS_mean) ** (1 / 2), U_b1)
wss_mean_vec = wss_mean.vector().get_local()
tawss_vec = index_dict['TAWSS'].vector().get_local()
# Compute RRT, OSI, and ECAP based on mean and absolute WSS
index_dict['RRT'].vector().set_local(1 / wss_mean_vec)
index_dict['OSI'].vector().set_local(0.5 * (1 - wss_mean_vec / tawss_vec))
index_dict['ECAP'].vector().set_local(index_dict['OSI'].vector().get_local() / tawss_vec)
for index in ['RRT', 'OSI', 'ECAP']:
# Rename displayed variable names
for name, var in index_dict.items():
var.rename(name, name)
# Write indices to file
for name, index in index_dict.items():
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print("=" * 10, "Post processing finished", "=" * 10)
print("Results saved to: {}".format(folder))
[docs]def main_hemo():
folder, nu, rho, dt, velocity_degree, _, _, T, save_frequency, _, start_cycle, step, average_over_cycles \
= read_command_line()
compute_hemodynamic_indices(folder, nu, rho, dt, T, velocity_degree, save_frequency, start_cycle,
step, average_over_cycles)
if __name__ == '__main__':
folder, nu, rho, dt, velocity_degree, _, _, T, save_frequency, _, start_cycle, step, average_over_cycles \
= read_command_line()
compute_hemodynamic_indices(folder, nu, rho, dt, T, velocity_degree, save_frequency, start_cycle,
step, average_over_cycles)