Source code for vampy.automatedPostprocessing.postprocessing_common

import argparse
from time import time

from dolfin import parameters, MPI, assemble, interpolate, Measure, FacetNormal, Identity, VectorFunctionSpace, \
    BoundaryMesh, Function, FacetArea, TestFunction, FunctionSpace, grad, inner, sqrt

    parameters["allow_extrapolation"] = True
except NameError:

[docs]def read_command_line(): """Read arguments from commandline""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Automated post-processing for vascular modeling.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--case', type=str, default="simulation/results_folder/model/data/1/Solutions", help="Path to simulation results.", metavar="PATH") parser.add_argument('-nu', '--nu', type=float, default=3.3018e-3, help="Kinematic viscosity used in simulation. Measured in [mm^2/ms].") parser.add_argument('-r', '--rho', type=float, default=1060, help="Fluid density used in simulation. Measured in [kg/m^3].") parser.add_argument('-T', '--T', type=float, default=951, help="Duration of one cardiac cycle. Measured in [ms].") parser.add_argument('-dt', '--dt', type=float, default=0.0951, help="Time step of simulation. Measured in [ms].") parser.add_argument('-vd', '--velocity-degree', type=int, default=1, help="Degree of velocity element.") parser.add_argument('-pd', '--pressure-degree', type=int, default=1, help="Degree of pressure element.") parser.add_argument('-sf', '--save-frequency', type=int, default=5, help="Frequency of saving velocity to file.") parser.add_argument('-pf', '--probe-frequency', type=int, default=100, help="Frequency of saving probes to file.") parser.add_argument('-ta', '--times-to-average', type=float, default=[], nargs="+", help="Time(s) during cardiac cycle to average, in the interval [0,T). Measured in [ms].") parser.add_argument('-sc', '--start-cycle', type=int, default=2, help="Start post-processing from this cardiac cycle.") parser.add_argument('-ss', '--sample-step', type=int, default=1, help="Step size that determines how many times data is sampled.") parser.add_argument('-ac', '--average-over-cycles', default=False, action='store_true', help="Computes average over all cycles if True.") args = parser.parse_args() return,, args.rho, args.dt, args.velocity_degree, args.pressure_degree, args.probe_frequency, \ args.T, args.save_frequency, args.times_to_average, args.start_cycle, args.sample_step, \ args.average_over_cycles
[docs]def epsilon(u): """ Computes the strain-rate tensor Args: u (Function): Velocity field Returns: epsilon (Function): Strain rate tensor of u """ return 0.5 * (grad(u) + grad(u).T)
[docs]def rate_of_strain(strain, u, v, mesh, h): """ Computes rate of strain Args: strain (Function): Function to save rate of strain to u (Function): Function for velocity field v (Function): Test function for velocity mesh: Mesh to compute strain rate on h (float): Cell diameter of mesh """ dx = Measure("dx", domain=mesh) eps = epsilon(u) f = sqrt(inner(eps, eps)) x = assemble(inner(f, v) / h * dx) strain.vector().set_local(x.get_local()) strain.vector().apply("insert")
[docs]def rate_of_dissipation(dissipation, u, v, mesh, h, nu): """ Computes rate of dissipation Args: dissipation (Function): Function to save rate of dissipation to u (Function): Function for velocity field v (Function): Test function for velocity mesh: Mesh to compute dissipation rate on h (float): Cell diameter of mesh nu (float): Viscosity """ dx = Measure("dx", domain=mesh) eps = epsilon(u) f = 2 * nu * inner(eps, eps) x = assemble(inner(f, v) / h * dx) dissipation.vector().set_local(x.get_local()) dissipation.vector().apply("insert")
[docs]class STRESS: """ Computes the stress on a given mesh based on provided velocity and pressure fields. Note that the pressure term is unused since it disappears in the process of extracting the tangential component. FIXME: Currently works for P1P1, but not for higher order finite elements (e.g. P2P1) """ def __init__(self, u, p, nu, mesh): """Initializes the StressComputer. Args: u (Function): The velocity field. p (Function): The pressure field. nu (float): The kinematic viscosity. mesh (Mesh): The mesh on which to compute stress. """ boundary_ds = Measure("ds", domain=mesh) boundary_mesh = BoundaryMesh(mesh, 'exterior') self.bmV = VectorFunctionSpace(boundary_mesh, 'CG', 1) # Compute stress tensor sigma = (2 * nu * epsilon(u)) - (p * Identity(len(u))) # Compute stress on surface n = FacetNormal(mesh) F = -(sigma * n) # Compute normal and tangential components Fn = inner(F, n) # scalar-valued Ft = F - (Fn * n) # vector-valued # Integrate against piecewise constants on the boundary scalar = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0) vector = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1) scaling = FacetArea(mesh) # Normalise the computed stress relative to the size of the element v = TestFunction(scalar) w = TestFunction(vector) # Create functions self.Fn = Function(scalar) self.Ftv = Function(vector) self.Ft = Function(scalar) self.Ln = 1 / scaling * v * Fn * boundary_ds self.Ltv = 1 / (2 * scaling) * inner(w, Ft) * boundary_ds self.Lt = 1 / scaling * inner(v, self.norm_l2(self.Ftv)) * boundary_ds def __call__(self): """ Compute stress for given velocity field u and pressure field p Returns: Ftv_mb (Function): Shear stress """ # Assemble vectors assemble(self.Ltv, tensor=self.Ftv.vector()) self.Ftv_bm = interpolate(self.Ftv, self.bmV) return self.Ftv_bm
[docs] def norm_l2(self, u): """ Compute norm of vector u in expression form Args: u (Function): Function to compute norm of Returns: norm (Power): Norm as expression """ return pow(inner(u, u), 0.5)
[docs]def get_dataset_names(data_file, num_files=100000, step=1, start=0, print_info=True, vector_filename="/velocity/vector_%d"): """ Read velocity fields datasets and extract names of files Args: data_file (HDF5File): File object of velocity num_files (int): Number of files step (int): Step between each data dump start (int): Step to start on print_info (bool): Prints info about data if true vector_filename (str): Name of velocity files Returns: names (list): List of data file names """ check = True # Find start file t0 = time() while check: if data_file.has_dataset(vector_filename % start): check = False start -= step start += step # Get names names = [] for i in range(num_files): index = start + i * step if data_file.has_dataset(vector_filename % index): names.append(vector_filename % index) t1 = time() # Print info if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0 and print_info: print() print("=" * 6 + " Timesteps to average over " + "=" * 6) print("Length on data set names:", len(names)) print("Start index:", start) print("Wanted num files:", num_files) print("Step between files:", step) print("Time used:", t1 - t0, "s") print() return names