Source code for vampy.automatedPreprocessing.ImportData

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Program:   AneuTools
# Module:
# Language:  Python
# Date:      $Date: 2016/17/04 00:00:00 $
# Version:   $Revision: 0.0.1 $
# Author:    Christophe Chnafa

#   Copyright (c) Christophe Chnafa. All rights reserved.

import math

import numpy as np
import vtk

# Array names used by VMTK.
RADIUSARRAYNAME = 'MaximumInscribedSphereRadius'
SECTIONARRAYNAME = 'CenterlineSectionArea'

[docs]def loadFile(fileName): """Load the given file, and return a vtkPolyData object for it. """ fileType = fileName[-3:] if fileType == '': raise RuntimeError('The file does not have an extension') if fileType == 'stl': reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.MergingOn() elif fileType == 'vtk': reader = vtk.vtkPolyDataReader() elif fileType == 'vtp': reader = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataReader() elif fileType == 'vtu': reader = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGridReader() else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown file type %s' % fileType) reader.SetFileName(fileName) reader.Update() polyData = reader.GetOutput() return polyData
[docs]def GetMaxGroupId(centerline): maxGroupId = 0 groupIdsArray = centerline.GetCellData().GetArray(GROUPIDSARRAYNAME) for i in range(0, centerline.GetNumberOfCells()): groupId = groupIdsArray.GetValue(i) if groupId > maxGroupId: maxGroupId = groupId return maxGroupId
[docs]def GetBlankedGroupsIdList(centerline): blankedGroupdsArray = [] idx = 0 groupIdsArray = centerline.GetCellData().GetArray(GROUPIDSARRAYNAME) blankingArray = centerline.GetCellData().GetArray(BLANKINGARRAYNAME) for i in range(0, centerline.GetNumberOfCells()): groupId = groupIdsArray.GetValue(i) blanking = blankingArray.GetValue(i) if blanking == 1: blankedGroupdsArray.append((idx, groupId)) idx += 1 return blankedGroupdsArray
[docs]def GetRedundantBlankedIdList(centerline, blankedGroupsIdList): """ Get the redundant blanked segments. Nominally, the x0 and x1 coordinates should be the same. Thus, the computed distance should be exactly 0.0. Sometimes branches are just different by a few and SHOULD be merged. Visual inspection of the centerline with Paraview when the Warning message pop up is advised. Sometimes, the problem is more concerning. It is problematic that VMTK split, sometimes, the branches with a segment with a blanked segment, a lil' something and another blanked segment. In case of wierd branch splittings, try to lower the tol. It is cheating since branches that should not be merge will be merged anyway. """ currentX0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] currentX1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] otherX0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] otherX1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] minLength, maxLength = ComputeGeometricTolerance(centerline) tol = maxLength * 0.1 # 10**(-5) redundantBranchesIndex = [] for currentBranch in blankedGroupsIdList: currentBranchIndex = currentBranch[0] if currentBranchIndex in redundantBranchesIndex: continue centerline.GetCell(currentBranchIndex).GetPoints().GetPoint(0, currentX0) npts = centerline.GetCell(currentBranchIndex).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() centerline.GetCell(currentBranchIndex).GetPoints().GetPoint(npts - 1, currentX1) for otherBranch in blankedGroupsIdList: otherBranchIndex = otherBranch[0] if otherBranchIndex == currentBranchIndex: continue if otherBranchIndex in redundantBranchesIndex: continue centerline.GetCell(otherBranchIndex).GetPoints().GetPoint(0, otherX0) otherNpts = centerline.GetCell(otherBranchIndex).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() centerline.GetCell(otherBranchIndex).GetPoints().GetPoint(otherNpts - 1, otherX1) if vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(currentX0, otherX0) < tol and \ vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(currentX1, otherX1) < tol: redundantBranchesIndex.append(otherBranchIndex) if vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(currentX0, otherX0) > minLength: print('WARNING: POTENTIAL ISSUE DURING THE MERGING OF REDUNDANTS BLANKED SEGMENTS.') print(' A distance between segments is suspicious.') print(' The blanked segments of VTK Cell Id ' + repr(currentBranchIndex)) print(' and, VTK Cell Id ' + repr(otherBranchIndex) + ' will be merged.') print(' The segments points should be identical. ') print(' Please check if this action was expected.') print() return redundantBranchesIndex
[docs]def IsArrayDefined(centerline, arrayName): nPointDataArrays = centerline.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays() found = False for i in range(0, nPointDataArrays): if arrayName == centerline.GetPointData().GetArrayName(i): found = True break nCellDataArrays = centerline.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays() for i in range(0, nCellDataArrays): if arrayName == centerline.GetCellData().GetArrayName(i): found = True break return found
[docs]def ComputeGeometricTolerance(centerline): """Return the min and max length for branches. This routine compute the delta x minimum and maximum in the network. The minimum length is used for the connectivity. The maximum length is used for merging the blanked segments. """ minLength = 10000.0 maxLength = 0.0 numberOfCells = centerline.GetNumberOfCells() for i in range(0, numberOfCells): npts = centerline.GetCell(i).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() for k in range(0, npts - 1): point0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] centerline.GetCell(i).GetPoints().GetPoint(k, point0) centerline.GetCell(i).GetPoints().GetPoint(k + 1, point1) if math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) < minLength: if math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) == 0.0: continue minLength = math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) if math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) > maxLength: maxLength = math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) return minLength, maxLength
[docs]def ComputeGroupLength(centerline, branchGroupId): """Return the mean length for branches of branchGroupId.""" groupLength = 0.0 lengthWeightSum = 0.0 groupIdsArray = centerline.GetCellData().GetArray(GROUPIDSARRAYNAME) numberOfCells = centerline.GetNumberOfCells() for i in range(0, numberOfCells): groupId = groupIdsArray.GetValue(i) if groupId != branchGroupId: continue length = ComputeBranchLength(centerline, i) groupLength += length lengthWeightSum += 1.0 groupLength /= lengthWeightSum return groupLength
[docs]def ComputeBranchLength(centerline, branchId): """Return the length for the branch of index branchId.""" length = 0.0 npts = centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() for k in range(0, npts - 1): point0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k, point0) centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k + 1, point1) length += math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) return length
[docs]def ComputeGroupRadius(centerline, branchGroupId): """Return the mean radius of a group. The mean radius is computed using the hydraulic resistance for the branches of branchGroupId. See Chnafa et al. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2016. """ groupRadius = 0.0 radiusWeightSum = 0.0 groupIdsArray = centerline.GetCellData().GetArray(GROUPIDSARRAYNAME) numberOfCells = centerline.GetNumberOfCells() for i in range(0, numberOfCells): if groupIdsArray.GetValue(i) != branchGroupId: continue groupRadius += ComputeBranchRadius(centerline, i) radiusWeightSum += 1.0 groupRadius /= radiusWeightSum return groupRadius
[docs]def ComputeBranchRadius(centerline, branchId): """Return the radius for a branch with index branchId. """ length = 0.0 resistance = 0.0 radiusArray = centerline.GetPointData().GetArray(RADIUSARRAYNAME) npts = centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() for k in range(0, npts - 1): point0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k, point0) centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k + 1, point1) dx = math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) length += dx r = radiusArray.GetComponent(centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPointId(k), 0) resistance += dx / r ** 4.0 branchRadius = (length / resistance) ** 0.25 return branchRadius
[docs]def GetListsUniqueBlankedBranches(blankedGroupsIdList, redundantBlankedBranchesIdList): blankedGroupsIndex = [] blankedUniqueBranchesIndex = [] for i in range(0, len(blankedGroupsIdList)): if blankedGroupsIdList[i][0] in redundantBlankedBranchesIdList: continue blankedGroupsIndex.append(blankedGroupsIdList[i][1]) blankedUniqueBranchesIndex.append(blankedGroupsIdList[i][0]) return blankedGroupsIndex, blankedUniqueBranchesIndex
[docs]def SetNetworkStructure(centerline, network, verboseprint, isConnectivityNeeded=True, isRadiusInletNeeded=True): """Fills a network structure with a vtkPolyData object. Each element has an unique index. The groups length and radius are averaged out. When the element is not not part of the bifurcation reference system, it is possible that multiple end points exist. They are all saved. For the complet formalism of the bifurcation reference system see Antiga, L., & Steinman, D. A. (2004). Robust and objective decomposition and mapping of bifurcating vessels. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 23(6), 704-713. """ verboseprint("> Filling the network structure with the raw data.") if not (IsArrayDefined(centerline, GROUPIDSARRAYNAME)): from vmtk import vmtkscripts centerlines = vmtkscripts.vmtkBranchExtractor() centerlines.Centerlines = centerline centerlines.RadiusArrayName = RADIUSARRAYNAME centerlines.Execute() centerline = centerlines.Centerlines # Treat the splitted centerline. maxGroupId = GetMaxGroupId(centerline) blankedGroupsIdList = GetBlankedGroupsIdList(centerline) redundantBlankedBranchesIdList = GetRedundantBlankedIdList(centerline, blankedGroupsIdList) blankedGroupsIndex, blankedUniqueBranchesIndex = \ GetListsUniqueBlankedBranches(blankedGroupsIdList, redundantBlankedBranchesIdList) indexUniqueBranches = 0 for i in range(0, maxGroupId + 1): x0List = [] x1List = [] VtkCellIdList = [] VtkGroupIdList = [] if i in blankedGroupsIndex: for j in range(0, len(blankedGroupsIndex)): if blankedGroupsIndex[j] == i: el = Element(Id=indexUniqueBranches) el.SetMeanRadius(ComputeBranchRadius(centerline, blankedUniqueBranchesIndex[j])) el.SetLength(ComputeBranchLength(centerline, blankedUniqueBranchesIndex[j])) el.SetBlanking(1) npts = centerline.GetCell(blankedUniqueBranchesIndex[j]). \ GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() x0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] x1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] centerline.GetCell(blankedUniqueBranchesIndex[j]). \ GetPoints().GetPoint(0, x0) centerline.GetCell(blankedUniqueBranchesIndex[j]). \ GetPoints().GetPoint(npts - 1, x1) x0List = [] x1List = [] VtkCellIdList = [] VtkGroupIdList = [] x1List.append(x1) x0List.append(x0) el.SetInOutPointsCoordinates(x0List, x1List) VtkCellIdList.append(blankedUniqueBranchesIndex[j]) VtkGroupIdList.append(i) el.SetVtkGroupIdList(VtkGroupIdList) el.SetVtkCellIdList(VtkCellIdList) network.AddElement(el) verboseprint("> Edge Id " + repr(indexUniqueBranches) + ", Length = " + repr(el.GetLength()) + " and Radius = " + repr(el.GetMeanRadius()) + ".") indexUniqueBranches += 1 else: el = Element(Id=indexUniqueBranches) el.SetMeanRadius(ComputeGroupRadius(centerline, i)) el.SetLength(ComputeGroupLength(centerline, i)) groupIdsArray = centerline.GetCellData().GetArray(GROUPIDSARRAYNAME) numberOfCells = centerline.GetNumberOfCells() for k in range(0, numberOfCells): groupId = groupIdsArray.GetValue(k) if groupId != i: continue x0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] x1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] npts = centerline.GetCell(k).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() centerline.GetCell(k).GetPoints().GetPoint(npts - 1, x1) x1List.append(x1) centerline.GetCell(k).GetPoints().GetPoint(0, x0) x0List.append(x0) VtkCellIdList.append(k) VtkGroupIdList.append(i) uniqueX0List = [list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in x0List)] uniqueX1List = [list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in x1List)] el.SetInOutPointsCoordinates(uniqueX0List, uniqueX1List) el.SetVtkGroupIdList(VtkGroupIdList) el.SetVtkCellIdList(VtkCellIdList) network.AddElement(el) verboseprint("> Edge Id " + repr(indexUniqueBranches) + ", Length = " + repr(el.GetLength()) + " and Radius = " + repr(el.GetMeanRadius()) + ".") indexUniqueBranches += 1 verboseprint("> ") if isConnectivityNeeded: minLength, maxLength = ComputeGeometricTolerance(centerline) ComputeConnectivity(network, minLength, verboseprint) SetRadiusX0(centerline, network, verboseprint) network.SetNetworkInletRadius( ComputeInletAverageRadius(centerline, 0.0, verboseprint)) return centerline
[docs]def ComputeConnectivity(network, tolerance, verboseprint): """Compute the branches connectivity in the network. It is assumed that the first element is the inlet. In case of several inlets, modification to this routine should be coded. This routine search for each branch, its connected branches by comparing the coordinates of the distal extremity of the treated branch with the proximal extremity of the other branches in the network. As sometimes the coordinates do not perfectly match, a tolerance is applied. TODO: use simply vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter to do the job...? """ # A few cases were bordeline, hence the factor. tol = 5.0 * tolerance # Initialization of the first branch. network.elements[0].SetIfInlet(True) network.elements[0].SetInOutPointsIds(1, 2) # Test the end node (x1) of a branch with the start node # of the other branches (x0). for treatedBranch in network.elements: atLeastOneFound = False for x1 in treatedBranch.GetOutPointsx1(): for otherBranch in network.elements: if otherBranch.GetId() == treatedBranch.GetId(): continue for x0 in otherBranch.GetInPointsx0(): if vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(x0, x1) < tol: if vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(x0, x1) > tolerance: print('WARNING: POTENTIAL CONNECTIVITY ISSUE. ') print(' A distance between connected points is suspicious.') print(' The segment(s) of CELL ID VTK ' + repr(treatedBranch.GetVtkCellIdList())) print(' and, the segment(s) of CELL ID VTK ' + repr( otherBranch.GetVtkCellIdList()) + ' will be considered') print(' as connected. Please check if this action was expected.') print() otherBranch.SetInOutPointsIds( treatedBranch.GetOutPointsx1Id(), otherBranch.GetId() + 2) otherBranch.SetBehindSegment(treatedBranch.GetId()) treatedBranch.SetFrontSegment(otherBranch.GetId()) atLeastOneFound = True if not (atLeastOneFound): treatedBranch.SetIfOutlet(True) treatedBranch.SetInOutPointsIds( treatedBranch.GetInPointsx0Id(), treatedBranch.GetId() + 2)
[docs]def SetRadiusX0(centerline, network, verboseprint): for branch in network.elements: cellID = branch.GetVtkCellIdList() radiusArray = centerline.GetPointData().GetArray(RADIUSARRAYNAME) r = radiusArray.GetComponent(centerline.GetCell(cellID[0]).GetPointId(0), 0) branch.SetInletRadius(r)
[docs]def ComputeInletAverageRadius(centerline, desiredLength, verboseprint): """Compute the inlet radius as an averaged radius. Computes an average radius over a certain length of the ICA. The mean radius is computed with the maximum inscribed sphere radius in the vessel. Thus, the actual radius might be underestimated if the vessel has an elliptical shape. """ branchId = 0 length = 0.0 resistance = 0.0 radiusArray = centerline.GetPointData().GetArray(RADIUSARRAYNAME) npts = GetIndexCenterlineForADefinedLength(centerline, branchId, desiredLength, verboseprint) for k in range(0, npts - 1): point0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k, point0) centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k + 1, point1) dx = math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) length += dx r = radiusArray.GetComponent(centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPointId(k), 0) resistance += dx / r ** (4.0) if npts < 2: branchMeanRadius = radiusArray.GetComponent( centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPointId(0), 0) else: branchMeanRadius = (length / resistance) ** (0.25) return branchMeanRadius
[docs]def ComputeInletAverageCrossSectionArea(centerline, desiredLength, verboseprint): """Compute the inlet radius as an averaged radius. Computes an average radius over a certain length of the ICA. The mean radius is computed with the cross section area. If the number of points over the segment is lower than two, then the section area correspond to the inlet point. Note that due to a bug in VTK the very first point seems wrong, that is why I am taking the second point of the centerline. """ branchId = 0 length = 0.0 resistance = 0.0 sectionArray = centerline.GetPointData().GetArray(SECTIONARRAYNAME) npts = GetIndexCenterlineForADefinedLength(centerline, branchId, desiredLength, verboseprint) for k in range(1, npts - 1): point0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] S = sectionArray.GetComponent(centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPointId(k), 0) if S == 0.0: continue centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k, point0) centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k + 1, point1) dx = math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) length += dx r = math.sqrt(S / np.pi) resistance += dx / r ** (4.0) if npts < 2: S = sectionArray.GetComponent(centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPointId(1), 0) branchMeanRadius = math.sqrt(S / np.pi) else: branchMeanRadius = (length / resistance) ** (0.25) return branchMeanRadius
[docs]def GetIndexCenterlineForADefinedLength(centerline, branchId, desiredLength, verboseprint): """Get the index of the point such as the desired distance between the index and the beginning of the branch is reached. """ length = 0.0 done = False npts = centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() for k in range(0, npts - 1): point0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k, point0) centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(k + 1, point1) length += math.sqrt(vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints(point0, point1)) if length >= desiredLength: index = k done = True break if not (done): try: index = k except Exception: index = None return index
[docs]def GetListProbePoints(centerline, network, verboseprint): """Get points on a centerline spaced by the inlet diameter. """ diameterInlet = 2.0 * network.GetNetworkInletRadius() pointsList = [] for el in network.elements: if el.IsBlanked(): continue branchId = el.GetVtkCellIdList()[0] npts = centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetNumberOfPoints() done = False ctr = 0 while not (done): x = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] desiredLength = float(ctr) * diameterInlet idx = GetIndexCenterlineForADefinedLength(centerline, branchId, desiredLength, verboseprint) if idx is None: break centerline.GetCell(branchId).GetPoints().GetPoint(idx, x) pointsList.append(x) ctr += 1 if idx == npts - 2: done = True return (pointsList)
[docs]class Element(object): def __init__(self, Id): self.Id = Id self.vtkGroupIdList = [] self.vtkCellIdList = [] self.length = 0.0 self.inletRadius = 0.0 self.meanInletRadius = 0.0 self.outletRadius = 0.0 self.meanRadius = 0.0 self.blanking = 0 self.inlet = False self.outlet = False self.x0 = [] self.x1 = [] self.x0Id = -1 self.x1Id = -1 self.behindSegment = None self.frontSegment = None self.alpha = 1.0 self.beta = 0.0 self.gamma = 0.0
[docs] def SetLength(self, length): self.length = length
[docs] def SetAlpha(self, alpha): self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def SetBeta(self, beta): self.beta = beta
[docs] def SetGamma(self, gamma): self.gamma = gamma
[docs] def SetBehindSegment(self, id): self.behindSegment = id
[docs] def SetFrontSegment(self, id): self.frontSegment = id
[docs] def SetVtkGroupIdList(self, VtkGroupIdList): self.vtkGroupIdList = VtkGroupIdList
[docs] def SetVtkCellIdList(self, vtkCellIdList): self.vtkCellIdList = vtkCellIdList
[docs] def SetMeanRadius(self, radius): self.meanRadius = radius
[docs] def SetInletRadius(self, radius): self.inletRadius = radius
[docs] def SetOutletRadius(self, radius): self.outletRadius = radius
[docs] def SetBlanking(self, blanking): self.blanking = blanking
[docs] def SetIfInlet(self, inlet): self.inlet = inlet
[docs] def SetIfOutlet(self, outlet): self.outlet = outlet
[docs] def SetInOutPointsCoordinates(self, x0, x1): self.x0 = x0 self.x1 = x1
[docs] def SetInOutPointsIds(self, x0Id, x1Id): self.x0Id = x0Id self.x1Id = x1Id
[docs] def GetId(self): return self.Id
[docs] def GetBehindSegment(self): return self.behindSegment
[docs] def GetFrontSegment(self): return self.frontSegment
[docs] def GetVtkCellIdList(self): return self.vtkCellIdList
[docs] def GetVtkGroupIdList(self): return self.vtkGroupIdList
[docs] def GetLength(self): return self.length
[docs] def GetAlpha(self): return self.alpha
[docs] def GetBeta(self): return self.beta
[docs] def GetGamma(self): return self.gamma
[docs] def GetMeanRadius(self): return self.meanRadius
[docs] def GetInletRadius(self): return self.inletRadius
[docs] def GetMeanArea(self): meanArea = np.pi * (self.meanRadius ** 2.0) return meanArea
[docs] def GetInPointsx0(self): return self.x0
[docs] def GetOutPointsx1(self): return self.x1
[docs] def GetInPointsx0Id(self): return self.x0Id
[docs] def GetOutPointsx1Id(self): return self.x1Id
[docs] def IsBlanked(self): """Returns True if the element is part of a branch division.""" return self.blanking
[docs] def IsAnInlet(self): return self.inlet
[docs] def IsAnOutlet(self): return self.outlet
[docs]class Network(object): def __init__(self): self.elements = [] self.numberOfElements = 0 self.numberOfBifurcations = 0 self.numberOfOutlets = 0 self.networkInletRadius = 0.0
[docs] def AddElement(self, x): self.elements.append(x) self.numberOfElements += 1
[docs] def SetNetworkInletRadius(self, radius): self.networkInletRadius = radius
[docs] def GetNumberOfElements(self): return self.numberOfElements
[docs] def GetNumberOfBifBranches(self): nBlanked = 0 for el in self.elements: nBlanked += el.IsBlanked() return nBlanked
[docs] def GetNumberOfInlet(self): nInlet = 0 for el in self.elements: nInlet += el.IsAnInlet() return nInlet
[docs] def GetNumberOfOutlet(self): nOutlet = 0 for el in self.elements: nOutlet += el.IsAnOutlet() return nOutlet
[docs] def GetNetworkInletRadius(self): return self.networkInletRadius