# This file is modified from CBCFLOW
# Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Simula Research Laboratory
# This file is part of CBCFLOW.
# CBCFLOW is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# CBCFLOW is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with CBCFLOW. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import math
import numpy as np
from dolfin import UserExpression, assemble, Constant, FacetNormal, SpatialCoordinate, Measure
from scipy.integrate import simpson
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.special import jn
[docs]def x_to_r2(x, c, n):
"""Compute r**2 from a coordinate x, center point c, and normal vector n.
r is defined as the distance from c to x', where x' is
the projection of x onto the plane defined by c and n.
# Steps:
rv = x - c
rvn = rv.dot(n)
rp = rv - rvn * n
r2 = rp.dot(rp)
return r2
[docs]def compute_boundary_geometry_acrn(mesh, ind, facet_domains):
# Some convenient variables
assert facet_domains is not None
ds = Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=facet_domains)
dsi = ds(ind)
d = mesh.geometry().dim()
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
# Compute area of boundary tesselation by integrating 1.0 over all facets
A = assemble(Constant(1.0, name="one") * dsi)
# assert A > 0.0, "Expecting positive area, probably mismatch between mesh and markers!"
if A == 0:
return None
# Compute barycenter by integrating x components over all facets
c = [assemble(x[i] * dsi) / A for i in range(d)]
# Compute average normal (assuming boundary is actually flat)
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
ni = np.array([assemble(n[i] * dsi) for i in range(d)])
n_len = np.sqrt(sum([ni[i] ** 2 for i in range(d)])) # Should always be 1!?
normal = ni / n_len
# This old estimate is a few % lower because of boundary discretization errors
r = np.sqrt(A / math.pi)
return A, c, r, normal
[docs]def fourier_coefficients(x, y, T, N):
'''From x-array and y-spline and period T, calculate N complex Fourier coefficients.'''
omega = 2 * np.pi / T
ck = []
ck.append(1 / T * simpson(y(x), x=x))
for n in range(1, N):
c = 1 / T * simpson(y(x) * np.exp(-1j * n * omega * x), x=x)
# Clamp almost zero real and imag components to zero
if 1:
cr = c.real
ci = c.imag
if abs(cr) < 1e-14:
cr = 0.0
if abs(ci) < 1e-14:
ci = 0.0
c = cr + ci * 1j
ck.append(2 * c)
return ck
[docs]class WomersleyComponent(UserExpression):
# Subclassing the expression class restricts the number of arguments, args
# is therefore a dict of arguments.
def __init__(self, radius, center, normal, normal_component, period, nu, element, Q=None,
# Spatial args
self.radius = radius
self.center = center
self.normal = normal
self.normal_component = normal_component
# Temporal args
self.period = period
if Q is not None:
assert V is None, "Cannot provide both Q and V!"
self.Qn = Q
self.N = len(self.Qn)
elif V is not None:
self.Vn = V
self.N = len(self.Vn)
raise ValueError("Invalid transient data type, missing argument 'Q' or 'V'.")
# Physical args
self.nu = nu
# Internal state
self.t = None
self.scale_value = 1.0
# Precomputation
self._all_r_dependent_coeffs = {}
def _precompute_bessel_functions(self):
'''Calculate the Bessel functions of the Womersley profile'''
self.omega = 2 * np.pi / self.period
self.ns = np.arange(1, self.N)
# Allocate for 0...N-1
alpha = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=np.complex_)
self.beta = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=np.complex_)
self.jn0_betas = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=np.complex_)
self.jn1_betas = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=np.complex_)
# Compute vectorized for 1...N-1 (keeping element 0 in arrays to make indexing work out later)
alpha[1:] = self.radius * np.sqrt(self.ns * (self.omega / self.nu))
self.beta[1:] = alpha[1:] * np.sqrt(1j ** 3)
self.jn0_betas[1:] = jn(0, self.beta[1:])
self.jn1_betas[1:] = jn(1, self.beta[1:])
def _precompute_r_dependent_coeffs(self, y):
pir2 = np.pi * self.radius ** 2
# Compute intermediate terms for womersley function
r_dependent_coeffs = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=np.complex_)
if hasattr(self, 'Vn'):
r_dependent_coeffs[0] = self.Vn[0] * (1 - y ** 2)
for n in self.ns:
jn0b = self.jn0_betas[n]
r_dependent_coeffs[n] = self.Vn[n] * (jn0b - jn(0, self.beta[n] * y)) / (jn0b - 1.0)
elif hasattr(self, 'Qn'):
r_dependent_coeffs[0] = (2 * self.Qn[0] / pir2) * (1 - y ** 2)
for n in self.ns:
bn = self.beta[n]
j0bn = self.jn0_betas[n]
j1bn = self.jn1_betas[n]
r_dependent_coeffs[n] = (self.Qn[n] / pir2) * (j0bn - jn(0,
bn * y)) / (j0bn - (2.0 / bn) * j1bn)
raise ValueError("Missing Vn or Qn!")
return r_dependent_coeffs
def _get_r_dependent_coeffs(self, y):
"Look for cached womersley coeffs."
key = y
r_dependent_coeffs = self._all_r_dependent_coeffs.get(key)
if r_dependent_coeffs is None:
# Cache miss! Compute coeffs for this coordinate the first time.
r_dependent_coeffs = self._precompute_r_dependent_coeffs(y)
self._all_r_dependent_coeffs[key] = r_dependent_coeffs
return r_dependent_coeffs
[docs] def set_t(self, t):
self.t = float(t) % self.period
self._expnt = np.exp((self.omega * self.t * 1j) * self.ns)
[docs] def eval(self, value, x):
# Compute or get cached complex coefficients that only depend on r
y = np.sqrt(x_to_r2(x, self.center, self.normal)) / self.radius
coeffs = self._get_r_dependent_coeffs(y)
# Multiply complex coefficients for x with complex exponential functions in time
wom = (coeffs[0] + np.dot(coeffs[1:], self._expnt)).real
# Scale by negative normal direction and scale_value
value[0] = -self.normal_component * self.scale_value * wom
[docs]def make_womersley_bcs(t, Q, nu, center, radius, normal, element, coeffstype="Q",
N=1001, num_fourier_coefficients=20, Cn=None, **NS_namespace):
Generate a list of expressions for the components of a Womersley profile.
Users can specify either the flow rate or fourier coefficients of the flow rate
depending on if Cn is None or not.
# period is usually the lenght of a cardiac cycle (0.951 s)
# If t is a list or numpy array, then period is the maximum value of t
# If not, simply assign t as period
period = max(t)
except TypeError:
period = t
# Compute fourier coefficients of transient profile if Cn is None
if Cn is None:
# Compute transient profile as interpolation of given coefficients
transient_profile = UnivariateSpline(t, Q, s=0, k=1)
# Compute fourier coefficients of transient profile
timedisc = np.linspace(0, period, N)
Cn = fourier_coefficients(timedisc, transient_profile, period, num_fourier_coefficients)
# Create Expressions for each direction
expressions = []
for ncomp in normal:
if coeffstype == "Q":
Q = Cn
V = None
elif coeffstype == "V":
V = Cn
Q = None
expressions.append(WomersleyComponent(radius, center, normal, ncomp, period, nu,
element, Q=Q, V=V))
return expressions