from os import path, makedirs
import numpy as np
from dolfin import MPI, assemble, Constant, assign, HDF5File, Measure
[docs]def get_file_paths(folder, additional_variables=[]):
Create folder where data and solutions (velocity, mesh, pressure) is stored
folder (str): Path to data storage location
additional_variables (list): List of additional variables to store
files (dict): Contains filepaths for respective solution files
common_path = path.join(folder, "Solutions")
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
if not path.exists(common_path):
variables = ["p", "u", "u_mean", "mesh"] + additional_variables
files = {}
for variable in variables:
files[variable] = path.join(common_path, f"{variable}.h5")
return files
[docs]def store_u_mean(T, dt, save_solution_at_tstep, save_solution_frequency, u_mean, u_mean0, u_mean1, u_mean2,
Store the time averaged velocity into file u_mean
T (float): End time
dt (float): Time step size
save_solution_at_tstep (int): Time step when solution is to be saved
save_solution_frequency (int): Frequency of solution saving
u_mean (Function): Vector function for storing vector solution of average velocity
u_mean0 (Function): Function storing x-component
u_mean1 (Function): Function storing y-component
u_mean2 (Function): Function storing z-component
# Get the file path
files = NS_parameters['files']
u_mean_path = files["u_mean"]
# Divide the accumulated velocity by the number of steps
NumTStepForAverage = (T / dt - save_solution_at_tstep) / save_solution_frequency + 1
u_mean0.vector()[:] = u_mean0.vector()[:] / NumTStepForAverage
u_mean1.vector()[:] = u_mean1.vector()[:] / NumTStepForAverage
u_mean2.vector()[:] = u_mean2.vector()[:] / NumTStepForAverage
assign(u_mean.sub(0), u_mean0)
assign(u_mean.sub(1), u_mean1)
assign(u_mean.sub(2), u_mean2)
# Save u_mean
with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, u_mean_path, "w") as u_mean_file:
u_mean_file.write(u_mean, "u_mean")
[docs]def store_velocity_and_pressure_h5(NS_parameters, U, p_, tstep, u_, u_mean0, u_mean1, u_mean2, D=None, du_=None):
Store the velocity and pressure values to an HDF5 file.
NS_parameters (dict): A dictionary containing the parameters for Navier-Stokes equations.
U (Function): A vector function space to assign the velocity components.
p_ (Function): The pressure function.
tstep (int): The current time step.
u_ (List[Function]): A list containing the velocity components.
u_mean0 (Function): The accumulated x-component of the velocity.
u_mean1 (Function): The accumulated y-component of the velocity.
u_mean2 (Function): The accumulated z-component of the velocity.
du_ (List[Function]): List of deformation components
D (Function): A vector function space to assign the deformation components.
# Assign velocity components to vector solution
for i in range(3):
assign(U.sub(i), u_[i])
# Get save paths
p_path = NS_parameters['files']['p']
u_path = NS_parameters['files']['u']
file_mode = "w" if not path.exists(p_path) else "a"
# Save pressure
with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, p_path, file_mode=file_mode) as viz_p:
viz_p.write(p_, "/pressure", tstep)
# Save velocity
with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, u_path, file_mode=file_mode) as viz_u:
viz_u.write(U, "/velocity", tstep)
# Accumulate velocity
u_mean0.vector().axpy(1, u_[0].vector())
u_mean1.vector().axpy(1, u_[1].vector())
u_mean2.vector().axpy(1, u_[2].vector())
# Save deformation if present
if D is not None and du_ is not None:
for i in range(3):
assign(D.sub(i), du_[i])
# Save path to deformation
d_path = NS_parameters['files']['d']
# Save deformation
with HDF5File(MPI.comm_world, d_path, file_mode=file_mode) as viz_d:
viz_d.write(D, "/deformation", tstep)
[docs]def dump_probes(eval_dict, newfolder, tstep):
Save variables along the centerline for CFD simulation diagnostics and light-weight post-processing.
eval_dict (dict): Dictionary with probe arrays for velocity components and pressure along the centerline.
newfolder (str): The path to the folder where the probe data will be saved.
tstep (float): The current time step.
# Construct the file path for probes
filepath = path.join(newfolder, "Probes")
# Ensure the directory exists on the master process
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0 and not path.exists(filepath):
# Extract probe arrays for each variable
variables = ["centerline_u_x_probes", "centerline_u_y_probes", "centerline_u_z_probes", "centerline_p_probes"]
arrs = {var: eval_dict[var].array() for var in variables}
# Dump stats on the master process
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
filenames = {
"centerline_u_x_probes": f"u_x_{tstep}.probes",
"centerline_u_y_probes": f"u_y_{tstep}.probes",
"centerline_u_z_probes": f"u_z_{tstep}.probes",
"centerline_p_probes": f"p_{tstep}.probes"
for var, arr in arrs.items():
arr.dump(path.join(filepath, filenames[var]))
# Ensure all processes have dumped data before clearing
# Clear stats
for var in variables: